Jim Brown’s Weekly Column: We’re too big to fail so let the taxpayers cover our losing bets!

Thursday, May 17, 2012 Baton Rouge, Louisiana WE’RE TOO BIG TO FAIL SO LET THE TAXPAYERS COVER OUR LOSING BETS! I drive each day by my local bank. It’s a Chase branch of J.P. Morgan. I don’t have much to save, but I count on my bank to invest my money. Not bet my hard … Continue reading “Jim Brown’s Weekly Column: We’re too big to fail so let the taxpayers cover our losing bets!”

And so it was 10 plus years ago at Trout Point Lodge….

For my part I deem those blessed to whom, by favour of the gods, it has been granted either to do what is worth writing of, or to write what is worth reading; above measure blessed those on whom both gifts have been conferred. In the latter number will be my uncle, by virtue of … Continue reading “And so it was 10 plus years ago at Trout Point Lodge….”

Prisoner’s Dilemma back in the news….

Stephanie Grace and James Gill tacked the topic of the 7 year sentence given Rene Gill Pratt for her role in the Jefferson clan scheme to loot out bogus charities funded in part by state/federal earmarks.   We saw the outrage at the sentencing disparity between Betty Jefferson and Rene Gill Pratt on these pages late last week … Continue reading “Prisoner’s Dilemma back in the news….”

Jim Brown

Thursday, September 29th, 2011 Baton Rouge, Louisiana THERE ARE BIG BUCKS IN COLLEGE SPORTS! BUT WHO’S GETTING THEM? With TV income at an all-time high, and with attendance breaking records nationwide, the college football season is off to the most successful start in its history. Football in my home state of Louisiana is the major … Continue reading “Jim Brown”

Dominick “Big D” Fazzio goes on the offensive, tries to have Team Letten disqualified. A Legal Jackassery Update (Updated 3X)

Folks Team Fazzio is pulling out all the stops to keep Dominick “Big D” Fazzio free and available for the defense at team River Birch.  In my last post on this topic I described this case as a branch of a branch of the Jefferson Parish Political Corruption Scandal while Paul Rioux at the T-P described the … Continue reading “Dominick “Big D” Fazzio goes on the offensive, tries to have Team Letten disqualified. A Legal Jackassery Update (Updated 3X)”

Here’s something for the scrapbook: Fazzio co-conspirator Mark Titus in plea talks with US Attorney Letten.

Paul Rioux gave us the latest on the defrauding of construction management firm Garner Services to the tune of $1 million and change yesterday evening (bad news Friday) and the long and short of it is that one of the co-conspirators aka the inside guy, Mark Titus is interested in cutting a deal with Jim Letten to rat-out … Continue reading “Here’s something for the scrapbook: Fazzio co-conspirator Mark Titus in plea talks with US Attorney Letten.”

There is a Heebe in the levee pile! Matt at Fix the pumps reveals continuing problems with substandard levee construction.

Something starts to emerge from these reports: the River Birch pits are very, very bad. We’ve seen the possibility of it in the WBV-14b.2 reports above, we’ve seen it mentioned definitely in the WBV-14a.2 reports – also above – and we’ve seen it mentioned in the WBV-14c.2 reports earlier. Now it shows up in the … Continue reading “There is a Heebe in the levee pile! Matt at Fix the pumps reveals continuing problems with substandard levee construction.”

In an amazing act of hubris, State Farm asks Judge Senter to certify seal to the Fifth Circus (a Rigsby qui tam update)

Judge Senter’s Order denying State Farm’s Motion to Dismiss the Rigsby qui tam case was Breaking News on the 24th of January. In a different sense, it was also breaking news at State Farm – news that broke the Company’s front line defense. Shortly thereafter State Farm filed a Motion asking the Court to allow … Continue reading “In an amazing act of hubris, State Farm asks Judge Senter to certify seal to the Fifth Circus (a Rigsby qui tam update)”

How the cow ate the cabbage garbage in Jefferson Parish – Drew Broach frames the River Birch story

Drew Broach chimes in today with River Birch deal recalls Jefferson Parish canal bottoms rip-off. Broach’s commentary frames River Birch story with “historical incompetence”. However, I see the picture in a different frame – but Broach first and I’ll follow: “Trust, but verify” is an old aphorism, and one that any public official would do … Continue reading “How the cow ate the cabbage garbage in Jefferson Parish – Drew Broach frames the River Birch story”