Thursday Links: The Walkers cave as the jailbreak begins

You gotta figure Mr. Ziegler and Ms. Shumate can’t be far behind. As for me I think I need a bit more coffee.  😉 Bill and Scott Walker ready to plead guilty to felonies ~ Anita Lee From the it must be nice to know Fugate files…… (h/t Sun Herald) Why Taxpayers Will Bail Out … Continue reading “Thursday Links: The Walkers cave as the jailbreak begins”

Quick Update

Last night on Twitter: PACER showing Scott Walker is pleading guilty — SLABBED (@SLABBEDblog) February 19, 2014   Scott Walker broke in both cases and this turn of events will certainly have impacts in the separate case against, his dad Bill, Tina Shumate and Joe Ziegler. In other news today is Parish Council meeting day … Continue reading “Quick Update”

Janus plea hearing: Magilla the Gorilla in the room

I had to laugh at the remarks of one of the assembled defense attorneys, who made my acquaintance today telling me how much he enjoyed my Louisiana coverage.  The assembled media included Warren Kulo, Ruth Ingram, Doug Walker, Jeff Amy and Anita Lee plus one blogger. Ironically the session started off with what was billed … Continue reading “Janus plea hearing: Magilla the Gorilla in the room”

BREAKING: Janus to cop a plea

Here is the salient minute entry text: NOTICE OF HEARING as to Michael Janus: Change of Plea Hearing set for 2/10/2014 at 01:30 PM in Courtroom 1 (Hattiesburg) before District Judge Keith Starrett. (scp) Anita Lee’s writeup on same: Janus plans to change not guilty plea in public corruption case Scott Walker gets his wish … Continue reading “BREAKING: Janus to cop a plea”

Looking for love in all the wrong places: A DMR public records debacle update

I thought Phillip Thomas at Mississippi Litigation Review nailed one of the more recent developments in the State Auditor’s Office public records contempt hearing being heard before Judge Schloegel in Gulfport.  The point is short n’ sweet and dead on accurate: State Auditor Stacey Pickering is asking the U.S. District Court to bail him out … Continue reading “Looking for love in all the wrong places: A DMR public records debacle update”

The dog ate it: Stacey Pickering reveals under oath that he has no control over his employees at the State Auditor’s Office

I’m not sure where to start on today’s performance by Stacey Pickering in the contempt hearing being held in Chancery Court Judge Jennifer Schloegel’s courtroom in Gulfport but this snippet from the latest Sun Herald update seems a logical starting point: Pickering’s chief of investigations, David Huggins, admitted under oath at the contempt hearing Wednesday … Continue reading “The dog ate it: Stacey Pickering reveals under oath that he has no control over his employees at the State Auditor’s Office”

Team Walker found out early: A bit of analysis on the Federal Indictment of Bill Walker and company

I’ve been to a few Federal Courthouses through time but I’ve been to the Dan Russell Federal Courthouse in picturesque downtown Gulfport the most. Before I lend any further insights on the United States Courthouse experience let’s visit with Warren Kulo over at the Mississippi Press: Each of the five defendants was led into court at … Continue reading “Team Walker found out early: A bit of analysis on the Federal Indictment of Bill Walker and company”

A couple of thoughts about yesterday’s DMR Indictments….

I hope everyone noticed the Scott Walker/Michael Janus indictment was captioned First Superseding Indictment, which means Walker and Janus have known for some time they were charged with federal crimes.  I am told plea talks broke down thus yesterday’s torrent of federal and state charges including the first revision to the alleged crimes involving the … Continue reading “A couple of thoughts about yesterday’s DMR Indictments….”