In our continuing episode of Magnum J.D. Baldwin v Costner: In fact Bull Durham, we’re all amused.

Folks in today’s update of the trial in Judge Feldman’s courtroom Bull Durham was on the stand last week and me thinks the pressure is getting to Costner, who could not read his testimony from a script like he did before Congress back in 2010. Here are a few snippets from 2 AP stories filed … Continue reading “In our continuing episode of Magnum J.D. Baldwin v Costner: In fact Bull Durham, we’re all amused.”

In this episode of Magnum J.D.: My name is Magnum and I do what I want…..

But Houston we have a problem as Continental Casualty Company aired lots of dirty laundry in their declaratory suit against Magnum and his partners at Gauthier Houghtaling and Williams so for the consideration of the Slabbed Nation I’ve uploaded Continental’s suit plus the next 7 docket docs which includes the firm’s insurance policy, the Ocean Therapy … Continue reading “In this episode of Magnum J.D.: My name is Magnum and I do what I want…..”

In this episode of Magnum J.D.: Baldie amends the suit against Bull Durham, adds Magnum plus Gauthier Houghtaling and Williams

Folks, representing both ends against the middle, besides being highly unethical, has other down sides as highlighted in the recently amended complaint filed by Stephen Baldwin and Spyridon Contogouris against Bull Durham’s company Ocean Therapy Solutions and now Magnum himself along with his law firm. To the extent Magnum didn’t bother to hide much of what he was … Continue reading “In this episode of Magnum J.D.: Baldie amends the suit against Bull Durham, adds Magnum plus Gauthier Houghtaling and Williams”

In this episode of Magnum J.D.: April fools or MAD, Team Magnum files an answer and reconventional demand in the lawsuit involving his former partners. (The problem with telling lies is keeping them straight)

Folks Team Magnum, in what I can only describe as an April fools joke, filed an Answer and Reconventional Demand in the suit involving his brother and other former partners at the firm of Gauthier Houghtaling & Williams who left the firm I’m told because of the massive conflict of interests Team Magnum has playing both sides … Continue reading “In this episode of Magnum J.D.: April fools or MAD, Team Magnum files an answer and reconventional demand in the lawsuit involving his former partners. (The problem with telling lies is keeping them straight)”

In this episode of Magnum JD: Magnum strikes back, fires up a blog of us own!

One day Magnum is on the phone with Gary Chouest and the next he is a citizen blogger! Must be quite a step down for him to come play with the unwashed masses and I think it shows. Let’s examine a snippet from his post “John W. Houghtaling reports on the oil spill clean-up“: The … Continue reading “In this episode of Magnum JD: Magnum strikes back, fires up a blog of us own!”

In this episode of Magnum JD: Bull Durham sets sail on the Good Ship Lollipop, asks Judge Feldman to dismiss Baldwin’s suit.

Plaintiffs’ Complaint presents a tale of two people who were on board the Ocean Therapy Solutions (“OTS”) venture that was steering to market clean-up equipment in response to the British Petroleum Deep Water Horizon oil spill, but who voluntarily decided to jump ship prematurely and sell their OTS interests, and who are now suing Costner … Continue reading “In this episode of Magnum JD: Bull Durham sets sail on the Good Ship Lollipop, asks Judge Feldman to dismiss Baldwin’s suit.”