Here is what happens when a clown is reelected: State Farm sticks it to Louisiana Policyholders

Courtesy of Angela @ The State Farm Sucks Network And there is also a rumor going around State Farm will be opening a new claims center in Metairie someplace between the Lowes and the I-10 Service Road over by Causeway. Lest I digress… For our newer readers we cut our teeth here in the local … Continue reading “Here is what happens when a clown is reelected: State Farm sticks it to Louisiana Policyholders”

Market manipulation and price fixing explained to the point even a clown can understand. Paige St John exposes the State Farm shuffle in Florida for the Herald Tribune.

Louisiana Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon Folks rarely does a business writer nail and explain a very complex subject in the interplay between our fragmented insurance markets here in the US  and the world of high finance but Paige St John over at the Herald Tribune explains how State Farm really didn’t pull out of Florida’s … Continue reading “Market manipulation and price fixing explained to the point even a clown can understand. Paige St John exposes the State Farm shuffle in Florida for the Herald Tribune.”

Since I have not posted of late I’d like to point out……

That I am again on assignment, which means I’ll be pissing someone off shortly. Meantime I’d like to point out that Rossie has slithered out from under his rock and this must be addressed along with the latest bit of Jimbo the Clown jackassery. Stay tuned. 🙂 sop

Louisiana Citizens trys another PR offensive over their post Katrina bad faith claims handling.

Folks, who wudda thunk that a blog that cut its teeth bashing all things State Farm would make friends in the enemy camp so I have a secret to share: I’ve occasionally collaborated with Deb over at Dimechimes Claims Adjuster Information beginning with the Gulf oil spill, which impacted her home State of Florida.  The association has … Continue reading “Louisiana Citizens trys another PR offensive over their post Katrina bad faith claims handling.”

BREAKING: The Idiots at Louisiana Citziens to squander $500,000 in scarce reserves to appeal judgment to the US Supreme Court (Updated)

How sad that an insurer set up via taxpayer fiat is so against the policyholders it was created to serve.  I’ll add that based upon the last legislative auditor report such a move tells me the Citizens is insolvent. I wonder if they are still running quickbooks? What a joke they are! And to think just 3 … Continue reading “BREAKING: The Idiots at Louisiana Citziens to squander $500,000 in scarce reserves to appeal judgment to the US Supreme Court (Updated)”

The Louisiana DOI has sent Slabbed the following press release.

What can I say folks except it looks like Jimbo the Clown is hipping up to blogging or in this case Vlogging. So without further adieu Jimbo has the following response to 2 news stories today involving the Louisiana Department of Insurance which can be found here and here. sop

How about a bit of workplace gossip from the Hive…..

Two quick notes from the birdies that have been chirping about the recent goings on at the Yenni Building. The first is Peggy Barton and her new job in HR, taking over for Junior Mendoza.  Junior was let go along with Jimbo the Clown’s brother Clem Donelon a couple of weeks ago by Team Young in a move … Continue reading “How about a bit of workplace gossip from the Hive…..”

Slabbed is gettin’ ziggy with the Zombie: A Cedric Richmond Charity Looting Update.

 Well, you know folks, my people have been getting with his people and some people don’t like that per the comments.  😉 I am proud to say that we’ve taken part in making the anal sphincters of two undeserving would be politicians twitch mightily lately and that does not count the Jefferson Parish Council nor Jimbo the Clown … Continue reading “Slabbed is gettin’ ziggy with the Zombie: A Cedric Richmond Charity Looting Update.”