Confessions of an unrepentant Citizen/Blogger/Journalist.

Over the weekend in comments I mentioned something about telling my story about the week of August 6-10, 2012 because it illustrates the commitment I bring to Slabbed.   This project has become something bigger than one person as we are a community of citizen/bloggers determined to see the systemic corruption in this area cleaned up and I hope it inspires more of my fellow citizens to stand up for themselves and their community.

First is what you guys already know, I earn a living as a sole practitioner CPA in a specialized practice.  The economic crash of 2008 has impacted my small business like most others and my current headcount stands at 2 because of that.  I mention this because the buck stops on my desk quickly and when my assistant’s mother, terminally ill went on hospice in early July, it fell to me to keep the lights on.  She died in early August.

On Monday the 6th it fell to me to cover an appointment up Lamar County way and some of my tweeps may remember me jabbering about the countryside on Twitter all the way up. It was a brave cyber persona for I had  a raging case of the shingles going and there was no way I’d get to see my Doc until Tuesday.  I covered that appointment working all day and somehow even managed to get a couple of posts up for Slabbed.

The next day I was finally able to get in to see my Doc, who was not very happy with me for delaying seeing him.  Doc is a great guy.  But I also had a couple of promises to honor that I made to the deceased, so that evening was a wake in Pearl River County.  The next day, I helped bear her body to its final resting place near the banks of the Wolf River.  As I often do I left a hint to what I was doing. I miss Franny.  She may have met and fell in love with a country guy from Barth Mississippi back in 1942, moving to the country after marrying him, but she was also a New Orleans girl at heart to the end.  She never tired of telling depression era stories of life in the 9th ward or her job at Rosenbergs.

Thursday August 9, was the day for me to catch up with the accumulated day job work that piled up on my desk.  I’ll be honest and say there is not much about this day I remember as I was still battling the shingles.  What I do remember was late that day, dragging into my cosmetologist’s shop for a hair cut.  She figured out I was pretty ill after I began shivering while she washed my hair.  She gave Mrs Sop a bit of grief later for not taking “better care of her man” but the truth was I did not let anyone take care of me because on Friday the 10th, I had an appointment at the Yenni Building such date I was going to make period.

That Friday I did make that appointment though I likely looked like death warmed over.  At least the pain was gone by then.  And of course the document I scored that day electrified the Slabbed Nation which made it worth it.  And it confirmed I was on the right track.  The rest is history.

My work on the Jefferson Parish Political Corruption Scandal is not complete.  Aaron Broussard may have cut a plea deal and just like Jiff Hingle he must tell everything or risk losing it.  I intend to make certain everything he did is examined on the Slabb to insure he does not protect the evil doers that did his bidding.

Let’s roll…..

6 thoughts on “Confessions of an unrepentant Citizen/Blogger/Journalist.”

  1. Doug: You and your tireless efforts are greatly appreciated. Those castles made of sand are crumbling, and you are the wave.

  2. You rock Sop…and yes Let’s roll. Anyone who can surf his roof with wife and child in tow through Katrina is just the man for this job. Thank you .

  3. Such a trooper. Thanks for fighting the good fight. Your efforts are truly appreciated.I hope you are feeling better.

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