American Zombie: Just extend the rope

He went on to say, if you’re going to hang someone the best and only way to do it is to simply extend them enough rope and they will most likely hang themselves if they are guilty of the charges. He said it may take time but it is almost inevitable that the person will self destruct, your job is just to tell the truth.

I have found those words to be as right as rain.

Read More at American Zombie


4 thoughts on “American Zombie: Just extend the rope”

  1. And I’m all for “Truth, Justice and the American Way”. This idiom “works” when the people who control the rope, build the scaffold, and decide who will be the executioner (and “why”) are in control. But I believe in exposing TRUTH, and exposing TRUTH, and exposing TRUTH, until these motherfuckers ahev nowhere to hide. And I will continue to do so. FUCK YOU, MOTHERFUCKERS! Ashton O’Dwyer (not dead yet).

  2. While Dr. d’Learyous and his Parrot head South as their case continues to go South, here’s a quote that they may ponder with counsel:

    “He that hath deserved hanging may be glad to escape with a whipping.”
    Thomas Brooks

  3. lock, your not alone with the legalization of drugs. Why just the other day the feds busted Daily News poster boy Bill Arata in Bogalusa, only to find they had one of their own who had worked in there anti American civil rights plot and holding little to no authority against corporate corruption turned him over to the state. State, you know the hand behind the finger. Per his backroom dealings and contacts he’ll get less than a slap on the fanny. Which is most likely the way he likes it.

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