The local Occupy movement simply marches to the beat of a different drummer….

I haven’t done anything with the Occupy NOLA movement over at Duncan Plaza.  I’m just thankful they left Lafayette Square alone since I get so many good tips there. That said the good folks over at the NOLA Defender have been all over the story as the local occupy movement seems unique in several respects right down to Judge Zainey allowing the gang to return to Duncan Plaza after being cleared out yesterday by NOPD.  Evidently this is the first court victory of its kind for the occupy movement.

Speaking of NOPD there have been other occupy movements such as the one on Halifax Nova Scotia where the police used some brutal tactics to evict the peaceful protesters.  The irony of a police force with the reputation for brutality like NOPD using kid goves to remove the Occupy NOLA protesters is rich.  Frankly I think Half Moon and NOPD deserve props for the way the handled the whole deal.


5 thoughts on “The local Occupy movement simply marches to the beat of a different drummer….”

  1. I know this blog is followed by a lot of lawyers…kindly explain the inscription on one young females ball cap.."Legal Observer". WTH?

  2. I have no axe to grind in the "Occupy NOLA" movement, except that I don't like "hippies" or "unwashed" scum-bags who stink, and defecate and urinate, in public, and generally TRASH whatever they touch. However, one of the Comments to the article about Zainey's GUTLESS "decision", in Africk's absence from the City, made the assertion THAT BERRIGAN'S SON WAS ONE OF THE PROTESTERS EVICTED FROM DUNCAN PLAZA. Ashton O'Dwyer.

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