Other Voices | Tom Callaghan: Lost for Words

Posted on January 10, 2021

When I’m lost for words, I try and consult the wisdom of the Ages: The Bible, Our Founding Fathers, Philosophers, Yogi Berra. Let’s do Yogi first. “Hey Yogi, what time is it?” Yogi: “You mean right now?”

There, I feel better. At least for 30 seconds.

I have to tell you a story. I’m in New York City a lot. When I go out to get stuff, I can go one way and probably encounter two or three homeless people asking for money. I can go another way and not encounter any. On a cold rainy night about two weeks ago, I went out to get some stuff and my path intersected with a black man, about 70, distinguished looking, but tattered clothing. As our paths crossed, he said “nasty night.” I stopped to chat for a minute. As I started to leave, he looked at me and said “thank you for talking to me.”

That took my breath away. I’ve thought about that interaction every day. It reminded me of a magnificent piece of wisdom from an ancient source, Philo of Alexandria, a Jewish Philosopher, 25 BC, “be kind to everyone you meet, they are fighting a mighty battle.” Isn’t that the truth? Aren’t we all “fighting a mighty battle.” Sometimes it’s up close and personal and other times it’s a little further off. Life is an anxiety producing activity. As an Irish friend reminds me, “nobody gets out alive.”

I like to philosophize a bit from time to time, somewhat of an acquired taste. (Interestingly, I had zero interest in the subject when Jesuit priests, at the three Jesuit Colleges I attended were trying, unsuccessfully, to force feed me Aristotle, Descartes, Aquinas at my father’s expense). Oh well, nobody’s perfect.

Like one of the reasons I started this website was because I was fascinated with the subject of how the Conventional Wisdom becomes the Conventional Wisdom in American Political Life. I’ve solved that problem…those who refuse to be defeated, win. Those staring off into space drooling on themselves lose. Pick the group you’re comfortable with. It’s your destiny. Continue Reading…….


There is someone here at this website that has experience fighting back against being de-platformed that also happens to know a thing or two or three about the First Amendment. Heck it was just over a year ago we covered this topic.

There is also someone here at this website that has been warning the GOP about the dangers of being taken over by ignorant, right wingnuts, most of whom are nothing more than closet racists.

So when those freaks stormed the capitol last week carrying Blue Lives Matter flags looking to kill our elected officials and successfully killing law enforcement, to expect there would be no blowback or that the enablers of these far right anarchists would simply walk away is expecting a bit much. Accountability is inherent to the healing process and there is going to be lots of accountability as there is lots to heal.

Continue reading “Reckoning…..”