Jackson County Sups now blame retirees for the secrecy surrounding the Singing River pension debacle

They quit responding to questions before we moved to add them so we could get their documents. Before we did add them, we asked for their help many times, just for their documents and to join forces and start immediately re-funding the plan. No use. This reaction would be funny if it were not so sad and so serious. Blaming the victims is despicable. Except for the document request we have not sued them for damages yet, but they seem to be begging for it. ~ Retiree Attorney Earl Denham via Facebook

Attorney Billy Guice: No more reports on SRHS because supervisors named in lawsuit ~ Margaret Baker

Nothing beats bunker mentality for a gaggle of politicians that look more certain to lose their elective offices by the day. This I know, for the retirees primary and general election days can’t come quickly enough.

17 thoughts on “Jackson County Sups now blame retirees for the secrecy surrounding the Singing River pension debacle”

  1. But will the voters in Jackson County remember how their elected representatives screwed the Singing River Hospital retirees when election time comes August 4th?

    1. Mr. Rodgers

      That’s a good question. I am willing to bet the SRHS employees will run them out but we still have a large portion that fall under the spells of Bryant, Palazzo and Pickering

    2. Local politics is all about pleasing the proverbial chronic voter. The chronic voter is typically grey that has extra time on their hands to engage in political activity like going to Board meetings or manning a picket line.

      Since Chronic voters are Grey, they also have a lifetime of social contact with the community which means they are a big influences on what I’d term the marginal voter, which is that part of the electorate that turns out to vote only part of the time.

      In 2010 about 28,000 voters turned out of the total voting age population of about 100,000. My guess is somewhere about 18-20 thousand of the total would fit the demographic of a chronic voter. Also in that demographic are close to 3,000 SHRS plan participants.

      This is all a long winded way of saying that the County Board of Sups has written off somewhere around 10% of the total vote straight out of the gate. It is not an election winning strategy IMHO.

      1. One of the critical numbers is turnout. Seems like the stupidvisors have been mobilizing the anti stupidvisor turnout for the past several years. There could be a second wave of anti-stupidvisor sentiment if there are significant damaging SRHS/stupidvisor documents and pictures released before the election.

        I wonder if any of the stupidvisors have called a code brown alert yet. For sure the SRHS folks can help explain the meaning of a code brown if the stupidvisors don’t understand. (It is like being splattered by standing too close to a mudhole, but worse.)

      2. That is a very interesting way of analyzing the situation and I like it. It makes perfect sense and “I get it”–while pointing at my head.

        I am looking forward to election time and my plans are to vote anyone I can off the board.

        A complete turnover would send a good message to the Regime of Republican Socialists.

  2. In my opinion, the ring leader of this Supervisor driven fiasco is John McKay. Of course, he groomed the others, I am sure, but I recall that he, Mr. Harris, Mr. Walker, and a few others that I can’t remember, were involved in that boat problem with the Marine Resource people. It seems that Mr. McKay one of the only ones that squeezed out of it and he, along with his close associates, all benefitted from tax dollars according to records released.
    Now, here we are again – only this time, he can’t blame Mr. Walker or Mr. Harris for this. I am sure he is looking for some other poor soul to stick this on. If the voters don’t stand up with us this time to get rid of this parasite and his cronies, then we all need to find another place to live and let the uncaring put up with him and his tactics.

  3. This was the excuse these gutless men were looking for. They want to place on hold the conversation until after the elections. If the DMR birthday party boat trips cost Senior Supervisor McKay the OS mayor’s election the SRHS problems will be ten times as bad. Morris Strickland can raise all the money McKay’s campaign can spend but it will not provide a path to another term on the JCBOS. The people irrate over the SRHS pension problems are a extra large group, counting all they know and touch. McKay should take his arse to the house and start enjoying all of those pensions he loves to rub in to the women folk’s face because the people of Jackson County are going to make his life a miserable hell hole if he remains a public figure much longer. He is not alone or totally responsible for how the public is being treated in the latest of the shell games playing out but does somehow control the other sheeples on this board, so he must be given the credit for being the boss hog of the pension meltdown. Like he said, the ignorance they display openly is the reason no oversight was ever provided by his board. Maybe his only honest statement this term.

  4. Holy Shit Eating, Stampeding Elephants Batman;

    Elephant Guicy Goosey is eating the shit dat comes out of the Elephant Trustees’ assholes who are eating the shit out of Elephant Supervisors’ asses who are grazing on the GOP’s huge state- wide piles of BS shit droppings in da’ grass roots which are also being run over, mulched up and tossed around by the out of control,GOP smokin ‘ lawnmower machine . What a smelly mess dis’ is ! ( u tube Video of Elephants eating fecal matter out of each others’ asses has been seen enough for this image to be blazin’ in our minds).

    Where the hell are the Democratically appointed Department of Justice Donkey prosecutors to round up these political GOP Elephants who are consistently trampling the lives of dedicated employees and retirees with their no mercy, pachyderm brutality ?

    How bout someone dropping a nickel to MNBC liberal media journalists bout this wild stampede over the people so these arrogant pachyderms can be stripped of their “ivory” – tower minds and tough hides, barbecued and eaten by circling populist vultures.

    Then again maybe we should just spill da’ beans dat this Elephant herd is also secretly drawing cartoon pictures of Mohammad during their closed door meetings?


  5. A large portion of the grey voters are about to loose their pension. No amount of PR and smoke screening will relieve McKay or Ross of this. I suspect Ross will survive but will suffer for his carrying out McKays dirty work – OS Harbor Master. McKay has a problem the voters have seen his bad snotty temper. Seen his devious maneuvering and now the time of accountability is at hand. Maybe an endorsement from Bryant, Barbour, Miller, Reeves, Davis, Yure, and Mice Wiggins will sent him out on a birthday victory cruise.

  6. A large portion of the grey voters are about to loose their pension. No amount of PR and smoke screening will relieve McKay or Ross of this. I suspect Ross will survive but will suffer for his carrying out McKays dirty work – OS Harbor Master. McKay has a problem the voters have seen his bad snotty temper. Seen his devious maneuvering and now the time of accountability is at hand. Maybe an endorsement from Bryant, Barbour, Miller, Reeves, Davis, Yure, and Mice Wiggins will sent him out on a birthday victory cruise.

  7. There is an article in the Sunherald this morning about Gulfport Memorial being downgraded by Moodys. Yesterday our local hospital in Biloxi announced it has merged and is changing names. Singing River in Jackson County is in dire straits according to all reports. I guess my point is that all health systems are under stress and people who seek appointments to boards overseeing operations of this type of business should have some idea of what they are looking at. That is not the case with most appointments. Friends and supporters of politicians get first consideration based on how much they gave to the politico, not what they can offer. Thinking that an elected county supervisor has the ability to comprehend the financial operations of a complex health system and give properly oversight is even more absurd. The entire system is in need of changing quickly before a serious collapse occurs.

  8. Billy Guice’s circling-the-wagons response “I’M IN CHARGE” – and “YOU SRHS UNDERLINGS AIN’T GETTING NOTHING NOW” sadly recall the days of both Gen. Alexander Haig’s similar, law-less claim AND Billy’s Grandpa-W. R. Guice, Esq.’s famous, 1920s, Marie Antoinette-like, condescending words to Biloxi’s Slavic Immigrants: “We need to put up a fence on Oak Street and lock out the riff-raff.” Fast-forward from the 1920s to 2015 and little Billy Guice says: “We need to put a fence around SRHS’ elite and lock out the riff-raff-Retirees.”

    Moral: The little acorn did not fall far from the Oak (St.) Tree.

  9. I invite all of you who read Slabbed and pass on the invitation to your friends and neighbors to read the Facebook page Srhs Hopes and see the pictures and video of these old gray haired people in the hot ass sun protesting to get their pensions. If anyone views this, they certainly will not vote for any supervisor, etc. who have had a hand in screwing these people. This is criminal!

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