Meet the men behind St Slammany Parish DA Candidate Brian Trainor

Quite frankly folks, the list of Trainors campaign backers gave me the urge to take a shower. Vital background here and here. Those of you freaks that liked Walter Reed should be ecstatic Trainor is in the DA’s race.

Courtesy of a reader.
Courtesy of a reader.


St Tammany Two Pack: Ethical concerns raised in the 22nd JDC

Folks I was happy to see the case of molesting St Tammany Parish Janitor Dino Schwertz finally see the light of day as the aftermath includes the bankrupting of at least one of the families whose child he victimized.

Cases against janitor spark ethics concerns ~ Sara Pagones

Sara’s story from earlier this month solved an internal mystery here at Slabbed as to the handling of the case in the 22nd JDC. Especially disturbing to me is the seal on the case. There is much more I could write but circumstances are such that I am unable to share at this time. My opinion however, is the St Tammany Parish Schools have some major explaining to do along with the court and now soon to be former DA Walter Reed. Moving right along.

Judge questioned over lack of disclosure ~ Sara Pagones and Katie Moore

The circles and circles of relationships, marital and otherwise that pervade St Tammany Parish officialdom continue to amaze. This quote pretty much sums things up as the circle comes back to the case of Dino Schwertz:

Bennett Gershman, a law professor at Pace University, found the failure to disclose those conflicts inexcusable. “Seems like they don’t play by the rules that I’ve been taught to follow in terms of professional ethics,” he said.

First, Gershman said, Reed’s office should have told Curran’s attorney that Pastuszek held a position at the DA’s Office. “They can’t wear both hats at the same time,” he said. As an assistant district attorney, Pastuszek would have been privy to whatever the DA’s Office knew about the criminal action, he said, a criticism that he also leveled in the Schwertz matter.

Pagones and Moore are on to something IMHO and that river runs deep.