Ready, Willing and unAbel: A Super 8 Motel Legal Department Update

Folks its appears that the legal department at the Super 8 Motel is very good at filing suits and promoting them in the media but not so good at doing anything constructive with them. With the day of reckoning approaching in Gates v Swartz Danny Abel filed this:

Gates v Swartz Doc 34

Gates v Swartz Doc 34

It appears Abel is having a hard time finding another lawyer to take the Swartz suit, which is to be expected given I feel safe in saying that Abel is the only lawyer in Louisiana that would style a suit like Swartz against a sitting State court judge alleging Treason. By all accounts Swartz is considered a straight shooter as a judge, his transgression against Abel client/son Shane Gates being is he was assigned the criminal case State of Louisiana v Gates. Continue reading “Ready, Willing and unAbel: A Super 8 Motel Legal Department Update”

Scott Walker plea: Additional Indictments possible

I’ll believe it when I see it Ladies and Gents. Meantime I could not make it to Hattiesburg yesterday so I have no analysis to offer beyond that already in the media so here are the salient links:

Plea accepted: Scott Walker pleads guilty to conspiracy, fraud ~ Anita Lee

Anita solves the Matt mystery for those that are still wondering.

Scott Walker pleads guilty to 2 federal crimes, heads to hospital for birth of son ~ April Havens

Come to think about it maybe I can add a wee bit to Anita’s story because she was a love putting this blurb in her account of the Walker plea hearing:

Walker is working, he told Starrett. He and two others own a Gulfport company called Precision Marketing Group.

Anita does not identify the two people with whom Scott Walker is working but she left a clue Continue reading “Scott Walker plea: Additional Indictments possible”