The heat is on Auditor Pickering: Investigation or Coverup??

I’ve made no secret of the fact I though the Office of the State Auditor was on DMR to run interference on the FBI and OIG.  That said I’ve had people in the know tell me that notion was wrong and in fact Auditor Pickering would use the state prosecution of certain former DMR employees as a political pole vault to a much higher office.

Against that backdrop the fundraiser at Joe Cloyd’s place was therefore an important signal as to which view holds true. Campaign ca$h i$ king or in the words of an observer to the Scruggs prosecution observed early on, “follow the money”.  Great advice.

Sun Herald files motion adding auditor to DMR records lawsuit ~ Anita Lee

The implications of this legal battle apply to all of us in the local media congroovancy.  The transparency sought is good, just and in the public interest IMHO but the track record of the hired gun leads me to harbor great fear some very bad case law may be made here.  Fingers crossed.  🙂

Editorial: Stacey Pickering’s handling of DMR scandal undermines public confidence ~ Sun Herald Editorial Board

If there is to be a protest on Tuesday at the Bolton Building the reasons are well summed up in today’s Op Ed. It is also a message that we also push here at Slabbed.

Da Noose may be leaving but the song remains the same….

An odd response from SMPDD ~ Da Noose

IMHO all the various and sundry PDDs in this state merit a close examination.