Jim Brown’s Weekly Column: Will Jindal and Landrieu face off in Senate race?

Thursday, May 23rd, 2013
Baton Rouge, Louisiana


Two seasoned political pros, who have lost a bit of their luster, may make the same big grab for political limelight in Washington. And what would be a surprise to many, they just might be racing against each other. Incumbent Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu, the state’s longest serving statewide elected official is hoping to extend her career in Washington for another six years. And Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, who has lost a good bit of his traction on the national scene and is looking for a place to land, may be taking a close look at challenging Landrieu next year.

The Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee, headed by Ohio Senator Rob Portman, has profiled Landrieu as the most vulnerable Democrat up for re election in 2014. Control of the U.S. senate is at stake and the numbers bode well for Republicans. Of the 35 senate seats to be decided next year, 21 are presently held by Democrats. Six Democrats have announced their retirement, including long serving veterans like Montana Senator Max Baucus, Michigan’s Carl Levin and Iowa’s Tom Harkin. So the Republicans see an opening that could allow them to take over the senate leadership.

Polls show Obamacare is losing support, giving Republicans a strong position against Democrats, and the issue seems to have legs. And history is on the side of Republicans. At no time has a sitting president’s party gained senate seats. In fact, in more recent elections, Democratic losses have averaged six seats. So the GOP, with some justification, feels buoyant over their chances to regain control. Landrieu’s defeat is a key to the Republican effort, and one can expect that major out-of-state dollars will be abundant in supporting her Republican opponent. Continue Reading………….

6 thoughts on “Jim Brown’s Weekly Column: Will Jindal and Landrieu face off in Senate race?”

    1. A very ridiculous idea from Brown. Cassidy would likely not have entered the race and the entire LA GOP is already behind Cassidy.

  1. Doug, can you put a blog up for us for DMR input. We need to keep it up so that people can report what is going on. Thanks….

  2. A very ridiculous idea from Brown. Cassidy would likely not have entered the race and the entire LA GOP is already behind Cassidy.

  3. Don’ forget, citizen, Jindal is our own Indian-ancestry RINO, who will do whatever he wants even if it scuttles principles and the becoming-unlamented Republicrap Party.

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