The Sun Herald calls for the resignation of the entire Commission of Marine Resources

We have seen and heard enough. It’s painfully clear the Commission on Marine Resources and the Department of Marine Resources need a clean break from the past and need new leadership.

The crisis of public confidence in the commission and the agency requires a change in both.

We see no one on the commission who is willing to step up and take responsibility for idly standing by during the years of questionable practices and spending. No one to say they, as commissioners, are ultimately responsible for the agency that seems to have misplaced millions of your dollars. Continue Reading………

5 thoughts on “The Sun Herald calls for the resignation of the entire Commission of Marine Resources”

  1. I would like to hear the conversations between Feel Bryant and Vernon Assper. The Gov has got to know this is hurting him about as bad as his one man Medicare fight that he will soon capitulate on.He made Bill Walker his man when he reappointed him.All of the members of the CMR have been made complete fools of by Walker and his gang of participants within the DMR that do his bidding.And if that were not enough they continue to wear that foolface by making these dumb statements everytime they get a chance.They need to resign for their own sake.They are just not believable or capable no matter how little the compensation is.They have cost the taxpayers millions by not overseeing anything outside of that sightseeing airplane or that billfish sampling boat.

    1. The fact that the audits on the DMR stopped in 2002 when our now Gov was the auditor at the time and left everything in Walker’s hands says a lot.Phil Bryant has no support and is losing more daily.He sent Danny Guice in when he knew his man Walker was in trouble.As long as Guice is left playing any part in the DMR there will never be any respect established. For one thing he still has Joe Ziegler on staff. If Guice can’t see Ziegler for what he is then it shows us how blind he is to the whats right in front of him.As for as the CMR is concerned Richard Gollott needs to be looked at by the state and FBI very closely.

      1. common people as far Joe Ziegler and Guice they are not going anywhere ..The common it plain as writing on wall this all Rouse ..Guice is not over Ziegler ..period ,Ziegler marches to differ political dream..
        They had them turn in 5pm today to pick tomorrow morning common people IT smell of rotting already they had there old boy already pick out they just had to do because they were pressed to ..
        they do not care what you or I or anybody says they got law wrap all nice pretty they have right where they want it going they to keep there ,,
        THEY WHO EVER ARE ARE NOT LETTING GO OF THERE POWER..PERIOD ..follow the power and $$ ..go you will find some other person they going to take down ..
        like any cartel you get little or middle top dog hands are clean..IT RARE VERY RARE do they get there man or woman ..

  2. I have point that I am very glad sun herald has report on this subject .

    I become concerned sun herald does not lose it objective out look ..

    sun Herald is suppose to report news ..without bias not create the news ,

    I hope sun Herald does lose sight of that fact..good journal has it purpose but with out tell then what they should do..cmr or dmr quit or resign or whatever shouldn’t be

    made by sun herald but this is gray area ..stick to report the information.

    The job I feel of paper to report the fact ..just the fact far sun herald has been doing a good job do not lose sight of our goal or why you doing this ,,

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