BREAKING: Hearing today in the case of the extorting Tranny as the NOLA JD Mystery John takes another shot at a protective order!

For true folks as Slabbed knows all the best courthouse gossip, even in Orange County Florida.  😉  The consensus of the fabled Slabbed legal team is with no protective order the case will die.  The fly in the ointment is that extortion does not merit a protective order, especially sex with a prostitute.

Slabbed’s previous coverage of this sordid saga can be found here. For those intrepid souls that have not seen the picture of Terrill Lewis in all his glory click here (viewer discretion advised) for an explanation why the NOLA JD Mystery John awoke the next day with a case of anal discomfort.

The Tranny’s trial remains set for February 25 and Slabbed has the alarms set. Stay tuned. Vroom vroom VROOM!!!!!

7 thoughts on “BREAKING: Hearing today in the case of the extorting Tranny as the NOLA JD Mystery John takes another shot at a protective order!”

  1. Cool links to how the governmentand probably google iis using social media. Of course slabbed has used this stuff for years, no joke. Now we know why the service was terminated for the social connections graph we used, somebody must have bought the company and used the software for super spy stuff.—

    Of course the FBI is developing their own social media matrix as we speak. May I suggest a Beta test run on the local goat population is in order—

  2. Has anyone, besides myself, thought that the “NOLA JD Mystery John” is just an asshole ? … and deserves what he gets …

    1. Seems to me the NOLA JD Mystery John has gotta man up and come on out. Deep down I think he understands this but the guy is going down fighting to the end.

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