Guest Post :The Hancock County Alliance for Good Government January 2013 Newsletter

Hope everyone had a wonderful and blessed Christmas and will enjoy all the best in the New Year. And speaking of the New Year, it is going to be a busy one politically in Hancock County. Two of our cities, Bay St. Louis and Diamondhead will be holding municipal elections. The Hancock County Alliance for Good Govenment plans to be involved in both sponsoring forums, etc.

It is going to be interesting to see how the fiscal situation in our nation and state affects us locally from municipal governments to school districts.

Both of our school districts are implementing the new Common Core Curriculum, which is being done nation wide. Everyone has to follow the same rules, so we would encourage our educators to dig in their heels, and give it their best shot for the kids.

Our state leaders seem to be dedicated to supporting Charter Schools. We’ll never know how they would work in our state until we try them. One advantage is that if the Charter School does not produce, it gets shut down. Pity we can’t operate under that format with some of our public schools in our state.

We are still of the opinion that consolidation of school districts would also be beneficial primarily for the students. It has been suggested to our legislature since a study was done in 1993 to consolidate districts and take the money saved in eliminating duplication of administrative costs and put it in the classrooms. It just seems to fall on deaf ears, and our state leaders contilnue to wonder why we lag behind nationally in education year after year. Continue reading “Guest Post :The Hancock County Alliance for Good Government January 2013 Newsletter”

The American Zombie Unmasks Randall Cajun of Real Malice: “U AN OVIOUS”

Some would call Randall Cajun at the new Real Malice Blog an anonymous coward and be well within their rights to do so. I certainly could because I post using my real name here on Slabbed and it was no secret my early handle Sop81_1 was me.  I won’t though because people sometimes need to be anonymous on the internet.  However jackassery is not a good reason to be anonymous.  Jason Berry at American Zombie explains:

So this comment just came in on my last post:

Randall Cajun has left a new comment on your post “A pet peeve“:

I’m not sure about your pet peeve being valid. Writing on “comments” sections might truly be properly labelled as blogging. Don’t want Maselli Mann and Perricone to give you a bad name? You can’t really blame the MSM or others for calling them bloggers. Think Blogger, GoDaddy, and Google are somehow different from Advance?

And what’s up with the people you would call bloggers? Is blogging supposed to be about personal agendas and vendettas vented online and hidden behind “blogging” as though it was some MSM journalistic enterprise? Take Vandenweghe, for example. It seems like she may have had longstanding personal agendas she vented as a “blogger,” like I suggest at Also, what about Maselli-Mann and Vandenweghe? What’s up with that? What about Vandenweghe’s recent lunch with Broussard? Kinda hypocritical, no?

Soooooo… is his IP and location from my stats:

OK folks, after you go see Randall Cajun posts from Yarmouth Nova Scotia (especially read Jason’s comment) come back and finish reading this post because we gotta do some speculating. Continue reading “The American Zombie Unmasks Randall Cajun of Real Malice: “U AN OVIOUS””