Repugnant is their middle name……

Folks, like I said last month I’ve maybe shown 10% of the accumulated jackassery inflicted upon the journalism profession by Eco Libel Terrorists Vaughn Perret, Charles Leary and Danny Abel of Trout Point Lodge near East Kempt Nova Scotia. In today’s installment of paranoia will destroy ya, Leary again threatens Timothy Gillespie of the South Coast Today, one day after issuing a fake press release as Leary and Perret search for Slabbed’s “co-conspirators”.

From: foodvacation Canada
To: Timothy Gillespie
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2011 9:43 AM
Subject: Notice
Timothy Gillespie:

You have failed to retract false statements of facts in your Shelburne County Today publications. Taking them down did not equal retraction and/or apology. We have the original publications saved. We are putting you on notice not to destroy any documents or electronic information relevant to your publications about Trout Point Lodge, Vaughn Perret, and/or Charles Leary as well as your communications with Doug Handshoe, any persons you know to be publishing on the blog, anything you have sent to “slabbed,” and/or communications to and from Joyce Case-Harlow. Continue reading “Repugnant is their middle name……”

Rooked: Elizabeth Rooks Barber of Barber and Mann exports the DMR friends and family program…

To my many peeps in the Louisiana chapter of the Slabbed Nation allow me to welcome ya’ll aboard the great CIAP land swindle program.

Livingston Parish owns 2,300 acres in Lake Maurepas

By my calculation it looks as if the taxpayers paid over $1,000/acre for swampland and lake bottoms. The seller was a Mississippi based LLC , now dissolved, owned my Jackson area residents Marion C Davis and Diane Wilks but a nonprofit was apparently used as a financial intermediary. Our readers may recall the Land Trust for the Mississippi Coastal Plain was used as an intermediary to buy disgraced DMR Director Bill Walker’s son’s property with CIAP funding.

Problem with a Barber and Mann appraisal? Not a problem as Rooks-Barber hubby Gerald Barber is on the Mississippi Appraisal Board. Nice move to have the package all wrapped up in advance huh.

Jim Brown’s Weekly Column: Little concern for justice in New Orleans

Thursday, January 3rd, 2012
Baton Rouge, Louisiana


Remember the scene in the movie, The Fugitive, where Harrison Ford is about to jump off a cliff into a raging river?  He turns to his pursuer, a federal agent played by Tommy Lee Jones, and says: “I’m innocent!”  Jones shakes his head and says: “I don’t care.”  In recent months, a series of investigative reports from all across the country have concluded that numerous federal and state prosecutors are primarily interested winning — getting the indictment, the guilty plea, the conviction. But when it comes to seeking justice, they just don’t seem to care.

The Houston Chronicle has written of widespread abuses on the part of state and federal prosecutors throughout Texas, reporting “story after story of egregious prosecutorial misconduct.  Prosecutors have repeatedly robbed innocent men of their liberty.”  The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette investigated misconduct by prosecutors in a recent ten part series and concluded that:  “Hundreds of times in the past 10 years, federal prosecutors have pursued justice by breaking the law.  They lied, hid evidence, distorted facts, engaged in cover-ups, paid for perjury, and set up innocent people in a relentless effort to win indictments, guilty pleas and convictions.”

The Wall Street Journal was just as blunt in a recent editorial that read:  “Something is very rotten at the U.S. Department of Justice.  Americans hand prosecutors an awesome power – the power to destroy fortunes and futures, and in this case to reallocate national political power. We are seeing a pattern of abuse of this power, in order to win big cases.”  And from The New York Times:  “It is the height of hypocrisy when prosecutors, who call others to account for breaking rules, break rules themselves.” Continue reading……….