Slabbed checks in with the Legal Department at the Super 8 Motel to present the latest Goatherder jackassery

Let’s start with this story by Allen Powell, Plaquemines School Board finance director indicted on theft charge.

The finance director for the Plaquemines Parish School Board has been indicted by a grand jury in connection with the theft of more than $46,000 from the school system.

Joyce Green, 50, 5148 Oak Bayou Road in Marrero, was charged with two counts of theft of more than $500 and one count of malfeasance in office by a Plaquemines Parish grand jury on Thursday, said District Attorney Charles Ballay.

Green is accused of asking a finance clerk to issue three checks for a total of about $77,000 in May for work she said she had completed. However, Ballay said that Green, who received two payments but not the third, was not entitled to the money, and that the school system has no record that she completed the work.

And now Abel spins that into the following defamation fantasy:

I let the above documents speak for itself but I don’t see that suit going anywhere.  Only in Plaquemines Parish folks.

Speaking of documents speaking for themselves the next one is a doozy as the merry gang in the Legal Department at the Super 8 Motel faced court sanctions for Rule 11, FRCP violations.  I thought of rule 11 when I read the defamation lawsuit above and so did Judge Haik in the middle district as we visit next with Abel being busted for filing baseless, frivolous lawsuits.  Gee, doesn’ that sound familiar?

What happens to lost Goats that have their frivolous lawsuits tossed and are sanctioned for filing them? Simple Junior you wash, rinse and repeat:

Something tells me that we’ve not seen the last of Rule 11 sanctions here on the Slabb. 😉

9 thoughts on “Slabbed checks in with the Legal Department at the Super 8 Motel to present the latest Goatherder jackassery”

  1. I’d like to welcome Debbie Villio back to Slabbed. I didn’t notice until now she notarized the Green lawsuit.

    1. Too rich sop. Debbie Villio, alleged squeeze of convicted felon and “wonderful family man” Tom Wilkinson (per fellow convicted felon Aaron “who paid for your boobies” Broussard) was the notary?!!!! Ya just gotta love it.

  2. Damn! Tommy dog got no better taste for women than he has honesyt or morals. You seen tha butt on that mule? Looks like something given to Freedmen during reconstruction along with forty acres of land!

  3. I do believe if memory serves me right that a counsel’s past history of multiple Rule 11 sanctions for frivolous suits is admissible evidence in future considerations of Rule 11 sanctions in future federal suits as it shows a pattern of abuse of the Federal justice system.

    Might be something for the Southern District of Mississippi to consider.

  4. An astute legal observer pointed out that Haik and Abel go way back so for Haik to sanction Abel implies a bridge was burned.

    1. The only distinguishing difference is L.A.’s D.A. investigates and prosecutes tax roll fraud whereas in La. nothing happens as the parish D.A.s are usually political friends of the assessors.

      1. In Jefferson Parish, they are political “frenemies” who detest one another, but still give the old wink and nod.

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