14 thoughts on “”

  1. Sop, sure looks like you riding that bomb down singing Yipee Ky-yea. all the way. to ground zero where ever that is.

    Parody violence against evildoers is so much fun especially on a Friday before the LSU Tigers have to battle the evil and tough Iowa Vandals.

    Oh by the way, that so called Hollywood produced film supposedly produced by a pastor in Fla.and financed by 100 jews that has the muslims’ balls aflame, it was made by an Egyptian ex-con who claims to be a Christian. Hope the Whitehouse discloses that truth soon to all the Arab nations before Israel has to start dropping its bombs to settle their asses down.

  2. That is the 280mm artillery launched nuclear shell they are testing in the middle of the show. Not sure why there are German World War One soldiers (spiked helmet) in it. Roger Water’s father died in World War 2 at Anzio.

    1. The WW I German soldiers is the odd ball clip in the bunch. I think Telemachus would approve of today’s musical selection otherwise. Semper Fi Tele…..


  3. The much feared Heebe Comet, which Pres prophesied months ago would hit, is nearing Camp St and its huge shadow has people runnin’ for safety except for a few parties on the Westbank popping champagne and shooting foreworks


    No problem the USA reserves from D.C. will soon land and assume all battle positions with more intensity then ever.

    1. From the hinterlands all we have observed is the collecting of low lying fruit. Letten receives near hysterical hagiography yet has made little dent. Perhaps the DC gang may come down and in a fit of ideological fervour do a better sweeping (yes, the Jacobins and Bolsheviks in their way did a cleansing of corruption although of course not afflicting their pet “friends & family plans”). Still, no belief until it is seen – and given we had been told a certain someone went to DC in the 1960s to tell the likes of the FBI and DOJ to stay out of the area – and which holds true to this day – we’re understandably waiting to put the finger into the nail hole first.

  4. “What a revolting development this is.” William Bendix as “Riley” in the “Life of Riley.” to “Gillis”

  5. Congratulations to Nancy Rubin for her Queens Counsel designation.

    Now on to the revised Code of Conduct rules per the Nova Scotia Barrister’s Society:

    PAGE 32
    3. A lawyer, an associate, a law partner or a family member has a personal financial interest in a client

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