Lets catch up with some of the latest news

The news cycle does not honor busy season but I must in order to pay the bills. That said I’ve kept up with the recent developments in the Broussard and Heebe investigations and we need to explore those a bit more.

First up are the seemingly contradictory articles yesterday by T-P Jefferson Parish beat reporters Paul Rioux and Rich Rainey regarding the Broussard prosecution as discussed yesterday in comments here.  The confusion stems from the following snippets from those stories as we begin with Rioux’s piece on Aaron Broussard’s upcoming payroll fraud trial:

During the phone conference, Assistant U.S. Attorney Brian Klebba said no additional charges or defendants will be added to the case. He said prosecutors expect to call about 20 witnesses.

Confusing since I wrote this saying more charges were coming exactly 2 weeks ago. And then yesterday afternoon Rich Rainey checked in with this:

Among his many misdeeds while serving as Jefferson Parish president, Aaron Broussard used campaign money to honeymoon in Paris and told his top aide to steer public business to a company that later paid him $40,000, federal prosecutors said Thursday. The disclosures came after the aide, Tim Whitmer, pleaded guilty to concealing what U.S. Attorney Jim Letten described as a “broad range of criminal activity” within Broussard’s administration. Continue reading “Lets catch up with some of the latest news”