Thursday Links: Topics we’ve previously covered.

Grand Isle police chief faces 3 challengers in Saturday election ~ Paul Rioux

Slabbed’s coverage of Chief Dubois and the Captain Jay Dantin molestation scandal looks to be figuring into the politics of this election folks.

Former Jefferson Parish exec Tim Whitmer, Aaron Broussard’s former aide, due in federal court ~ Rich Rainey

Does the Canal Street brothel offer peephole on River Birch strategy? ~ Mark Moseley


Jim Brown

Thursday, March 22nd, 2012
New Orleans, Louisiana


It seems to be spreading like a communicable disease. And apparently there is no cure. Week after week, there are new reports of prosecutors, on both the federal and state level, engaging in premeditated acts of prosecutorial misconduct. Coaching witnesses to lie. Hiding evidence from the defense counsel that would favor the accused. And even calculated cover-ups that put a falsely convicted person on death row. Has justice run amuck? Has Lady Justice lost her way?

Take a look at some of the recent stories about wayward prosecutors in major newspapers throughout the county. The Pittsburg Post-Gazette researched a 10 part story on this national problem. They summed up their findings by concluding: “Hundreds of times during the past 10 years, federal agents and prosecutors have pursued justice by breaking the law. They lied, hid evidence, distorted facts, engaged in cover-ups, paid for perjury and set up innocent people in a relentless effort to win indictments, guilty pleas and convictions, a two year Post-Gazette investigation found.”

Just a few months ago, the Houston Chronicle charged: “This year we have read story after story of egregious prosecutorial misconduct. Prosecutors have repeatedly robbed innocent men of their liberty. Prosecutors who willfully falsify evidence must be held to answer under the law. We dishonor the memory of those who paid the ultimate price for our liberty if we demand anything less to preserve that liberty.” Continue reading “Jim Brown”