Aaron Broussard arraignment links: Team Fed seeks over $350,000 in forfeitures while Broussard continues to lose weight on his “indictment diet”

Let’s start with that Goatherder also known as the Toolman at WWL Tee Vee along with legal analyst Chick Foret.

I believe it was Slabbed that first reported Broussard’s indictment diet as it is clear Aaron, like his late former lawyer/business agent Roy D’Aquila, has a few butterflies on his tummy tum tum. I mention it because Broussard was yammering about it yesterday while making nice with the assembled main stream media as illustrated by the next 2 links.

Aaron Broussard arraigned on new charges (and is sticking with the indictment diet) ~ Fox 8 Tee Vee

Ex-Parish President, Attorney Arraigned On New Charges ~ WDSU Tee Vee

Aaron Broussard, Tom Wilkinson plead innocent to 6 new federal fraud charges ~ Paul Rioux @ The Times Picayune

The Louisiana way is hard to leave behind ~ Louisiana Political Columnist John Maginnis


6 thoughts on “Aaron Broussard arraignment links: Team Fed seeks over $350,000 in forfeitures while Broussard continues to lose weight on his “indictment diet””

  1. I’ll say this: Aaron Broussard and Tom Wilkinson are two “goofy looking bastards”. Maybe Letten and the “out of town Team Fed” can get then to plead GUILTY to being goofy looking bastards. Ashton O’Dwyer.

  2. The indictment diet is the precursor to the Bubba Bighouse sausage diet. Although with friends like the Goat herders I don’t think that he unfamiliar to playing the Slobba Blues on the meat whistle.

  3. AROD: Why do you think Wilkinson was nicknamed the bulldog and Broussard Lil’Napoleon.

    Concerning the illegal taking of your batture property the East Jefferson Levee District parks their levee inspection SUV, patrolman inside and parking lights on, at the very top of the hill where you drive up to your batture property.

    So the bastards not only gave your property away while you still pay taxes on it, but the East Jefferson Levee District patrols and guards the safety of the homes of the thievin’ bastards 24/7.

    How many people who own their property legally and pay taxes have a personal patrolman outside 24/7.

  4. To Lockemuptight: Oh, yes, you’re preaching to the choir. The East Jefferson Levee District (it’s called something else since KATRINA), including in-house Attorney Robert T. LaCour and Director Fran Campbell, doesn’t work for you and me, and my Family, the taxpayers, they all work for the “squatters and trespassers”, who own them “lock, stock and barrel”. Post-KATRINA I was even threatened by an East Jefferson Levee District “cop” as I tried to serve some papers with, “You can’t go there; THAT’s private property!” My reply was, “Yeah yo right you fucking ASSHOLE; it’s MY private property.” I also aver, upon information and belief, that the Levee District cops helped on of the squatters and trespassers commit ARSON on the batture shortly after KATRINA, and then helped to “cover up” that crime, so that an entirely new “camp” could be built. This CORRUPTION and “land-grab” runs from the very TOP of Jefferson Parish government down to the very bottom. Ashton O’Dwyer.

  5. I’m glad that Lil’Napoleon had that brain with a tit on it removed from his face as I do want him up and dying on us before he finishes his full term and then marries a 32 year old blonde boob before Supreme Court Justice Miss Kimball.

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