9 thoughts on “Friday Music: Arraignment edition”

  1. I certainly don't want to attack a person that may be sick, but did the Judge order mental health tests for Karen because she married Aaron?

  2. Aaron …BLASPHEMY is crime you will be held accountable before GOD … and all your Manresa and Medjugorje mantras of professing faith will not be a defense … your contempt for our Lord Jesus Christ is painful to witness … your sarcasim reeks of defiance and not as a plea of forgiveness…

  3. A serious letter to Aaron ( Hebrew for teacher) Broussard :

    Dear Pharisee AB :

    It certainly is a wonderful time of the year for Faith, but not your oxymoronic type of faith.

    Our Lord and Savior was himself certainly not a Pharisee (lawyer) nor did He call upon one to defend Him before Pilate. And despite His complete innocence, He remained SILENT and voluntarily accepted the guilt and excruciating pain of the sins of all mankind to justify sinners like you and I before His Father.

    It is a well founded principle of Christianity that if you offend your brother(s) that you in profound humility PROFESS YOUR GUILT before them and ASK FOR FORGIVENESS and REPAY your debt to them.

    Christians are compelled to forgive and if you rebuke your NOT GUILTY plea and admit your guilt publicly you will in turn receive forgiveness from them and more importantly God Almighty. Only then will you be admired but more importantly honored by your Savior.

    Give Praise and Glory to Christ and do the thing you have previously preached to many people in Jefferson Parish, including your long time friend Larmarque.

    Your past and current behavior has caused great distress in the good, hard working people of Jefferson provoking them to judge you and sin by calling you names ( of which I am one).

    In His Light and Love, Lockemuptight

  4. ROTFLMAO !!!

    Here are some PRICELESS quotes from another one of Aaron’s former T-P drinking buddies from the halcyon days of bubbly champagne lunches at Antoine’s … a now sober James Gill apparently:

    “As he awaits trial, former Jefferson Parish President Aaron Broussard is "totally at peace with the Lord." That's what his friend Henry Shane says, anyway. Broussard is not talking to the press these days, and the Lord could not be reached for comment”…

    “Broussard may be totally at peace with the Lord, but maybe the Lord does not reciprocate. Was it God who told Broussard to file that motion last week? We know no terrestrial counsel was behind it, because it was done in proper person, did not help Broussard's cause and may well have hurt it. The Lord evidently decided to make Broussard look goofy as punishment for his sins.”…

    “…Giving prosecutors a further incentive to nail his hide to the wall does not seem a smart move, although, since they have already tagged him as a crook, there may not be much scope to lower their opinion of him.”…

    “Regardless of what else the feds may have up their sleeves, payroll fraud will not seem a trivial matter to Broussard, Wilkinson and Parker, who must have visions of the penitentiary. The indictment runs to 33 counts.”…

    “Friends say Broussard is prepared for whatever may befall him. Bravo for him, but God knows he needs a good lawyer”…

    Besides faith, Broussard needs a good lawyer: James Gill
    Published: Sunday, December 18, 2011, 8:44 AM http://www.nola.com/opinions/index.ssf/2011/12/be

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