Another one bites the dust….

President Barack Obama

And folks recycling that sold out adulterous fat fuck Newt Gingrich is beyond laughable except the joke is on the true believers on the GOP side. True believers mostly have honorable intentions but yes, you GOP purists were sold out long ago too.

So Herman Cain took his sexual exploits to a whole other level and now leaves the field.  Sad but true Buddy Roemer is the best of the lot and he is batshit crazy.

We need a leader and the best both parties have to offer is Urkel.


16 thoughts on “Another one bites the dust….”

  1. Why not just coat their asses with teflon? It worked for starting Reagan's new world order. Talking bout true believers the man of the hour should be making his way to the seen soon. Cripto- 40 – 70 – and the 120 that I know of. 40's passed 70 leaves 7 and 120 looks like a way off long shot. But give it a little thought, if these horny boys were in MS. it wouldn't matter what they did or who knew. From my personal knowledge of MS. politics the more criminal and sinful the greater social chance they'll be elected.

  2. I do believe the political, sexual dirt is just starting to fly and before all is said and done there will be many more alleged sexual inappropriate affairs hung on the necks of other GOP hopefuls. And if either Newt or Romney becomes the recycled, most knowledgeable, presentable GOP candidate look for a possible alleged revelation on President Hussein himself to even the scales of morality.

    For some strange reason we know of no college friends ( male or female) of Hussein who have come before the public's eye to relate stories about the media's darling. Oh, I know all he did was shoot hoops, study and was a perfect, goodie- to- shoes.

    Wonder why they are all afraid to speak to the media to relate even some innocent,harmless stories.

    Personally, the way politicians whore themselves out to the national and international lobbyist money douche' bags I would rather see an over sexed, scandalized President or representative but one who instead tells the lobbyists to shove their money and truly represents the best interests of all the people and America first.

    And let the politicians' wives play the role of judge, jury and finally that of Ms. Bobbit if necessary.

  3. Okay, so let me get this straight Lockemuptight, you are advocating genital mutilation as recompense for adultery? And are you okay with both penises and vaginae being slashed with a razor-sharp object?

  4. As a conservative white man. I never did know quite how to react to Herman Cain's candidacy as a Republican. Although he hasn't quit the race, yet, he has been proven to be just another amoral Negro, who can't speak the English language with proper diction, following in the footsteps of "The Reverend" Martin Luther King (has anyone ever laid eyes on MLK's "divinity" credentials?) and Barak Obama, who shared bodily fluids and cocaine with Larry Sinclair prior to the 2008 race. I'm looking forward to the next 24 hours or so. And maybe whatever happens to Cain will result in the Lame Stream Media putting Obama under the microscope. Ashton O'Dwyer.

  5. Hey, Atticus, let me ask you a few questions: How many "black people" did you represent in the "Victims of KATRINA" litigation, and how much money did you advance on behalf of your clients in costs and expenses in order to attempt to secure their legal rights, money which you will NEVER see again? I don't know who the hell you are, but before calling me names, and alleging that I am an "embarrassment", why not address the substance of my Comment, which was that: (1) Cain is amoral; (2) MLK was a serial adulterer and amoral; and (3) Obummer is (according to Larry Sinclair) bisexual and a drug user. And while you're at it, why not address the disparity between the percentage of Negros in the general population and the following: (1) recognition of the Institution of Marriage; (2) the illegitimacy rate; (3) the arrest and incarceration rate; and (4) the rate of AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases. Then tell me who is an "embarrassment". Ashton O'Dwyer. P.S. What's your name, and where do you live? AROD.

  6. If you ran your mouth at Camp Amtrak half as much as you do on here, no wonder they took target practice on you with beanbags, you ignorant redneck. Probably called the guards there "typical immoral negros" or "blue gums" – what a maroon.

  7. Oh, and nice job of representing your clients – antagonizing the judge, filing Charlie Brown looking pleadings in crayon, etc. Nice job.

  8. We are in awfully deep doo-doo and nobody of quality is interested in the job.

    Newt purports to be a "conservative" but in my heart of hearts I believe he is pinko Tommy Freeland made up to look like a corpulent but handsome-by-comparison fellow all the better to discredit the right. As for their respective sexual exploits, anyone who would consent to being on the receiving end of either their genetic material should have to register as a sex offender.

    Ashton, I may not agree with everything you say or do but I consider myself your fan. Some day if ever I should travel to the Crescent City again it would be my pleasure to buy you a martini. Meanwhile please accept my every good wish for a long and happy life.

    One regional prediction: Mississippi Governor Hailey the Yazoo Pig Boy Barbour, on his way out of office, will grant a full pardon to Gregg Patrick Gibbes who pleaded guilty to an Aggravated-DUI Death committed in Oxford on February 7, 2003, and was sentenced to a de minimus jail term by a circuit court judge who later found himself at the epicenter of a judicial bribery scandal.

    Is there a political thread to follow here?

    We'll never know because nobody in Mississippi has cojones sufficient to start unraveling the ball. Not Allyssa Shnugg, neither Fatsy Scumfield, and least of all the aforementioned gargoyle and convicted woman-beater formerly known as NMC.

  9. Glad to see my cynicism generated a response. 🙂 I like Elizabeth Warren Anono. She tells it like it is. Ron Paul is like that too.

    Hendry would Gibbes be connected to the Tollisons in some way? Inquiring minds want to know.

    As for Ashton, he missed the following Star Trek episode.

    That said I can attest first hand sharing a drink with him is quite the experience. Off to the Batture!


  10. Thanks for the heads-up. Yesterday was so bad I almost just drove to NO to find Ashton and have that drink.

    No, I was thinking the other way on that pardon business, i.e., regular old low-church partisan political skullduggery. But come to think of it any deal like that WOULD have to come through general counsel, wouldn't it? And that person would be the gal lucky enough to be on the receiving end of junior's genetic material. My hat is off to you sir for having a better political instinct than an old drunken ex-con like me.

    Speaking of the upcoming nuptials, the announcement was in the Eagle. You'd think Pig Boy would pay his lawyer enough to afford a professional photographer. As an aesthetic call it is almost always worth spending the money.

    Maybe a pardon isn't such a bad idea after all. I am all about redemption. Who the hell am I to judge. Now if we could just figure a way to extend the idea of forgiveness and pardon to the hoi polloi. Shoot, if the goobenor gave ME a fresh start I could run for congress my own self.

  11. Matzerath: Your comment, "I can't wait for Obama's second term…." is typical of the comments I'm sure you make many times a day at your liberal coffee shop you purchased recently in NOLA .

    I think your big liberal coffee experiment won't change too many hearts though on Obama. Better try to increase your SEIU memberships there instead. ESPECIALLY since you, your brother and your wife lost control over your first racist experiment named ACORN.

    Can't wait to see your RE- ELECT OBAMA sign out front. That will have a big SUCTION effect for increasing your liberal coffee sales.

    Good to see the infamous founder of ACORN still reads Slabbed and hope it brings you many more laughs in 2012.

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