Transparency, you bet – easy to see right through action of Jefferson Parish Council

Possibly the most naive statement ever written can be found in an editorial published in today’s Times-Picayune:

Good government watchdogs in Jefferson Parish will no longer be forced to sift through campaign finance reports to learn whether companies seeking parish business have supported the campaigns of those making the decision on whom to hire.

True enough, “good government watchdogs” won’t be sifting. They’ll need shovels to dig out the buried campaign contributions, if not steam shovels like Mike Mulligan’s Mary Ann.

“Bing, Bang, Crash, Slam”

Corruption in the form of “a little lagniappe” is so deeply entrenched in Jefferson Parish that “pay to pay” will, no doubt, continue, albeit more difficult to dig out – that much is transparent, but not worthy of  praise in an editorial.


Lets talk oil safety as Slabbed presents an alternative view from outside the industry.

First off I’ll say that I can find something to be disagreeable with in terms of content from both the Oil Spill Commission and the local reaction to it. My main point of contention with the commission itself is philosophical in that outlier events like the Deepwater Horizon blowout are inevitable statistically.  The problem is one of degree of inevitability and in the case of the US captured regulatory model and its one size fits all cookie cutter approach I would argue the conclusions of the Oil Spill Commission are spot on when it comes to their endorsement of British style risk based safety regulation.  I think the proof it works was in a statement I heard this morning on Mississippi Edition where a member of the Oil Spill Commission observed how much more likely a US based oil worker is to die in an accident than his British or Norwegian counterpart.

Along those lines the difference in how the parts of the report focused on safety are being conveyed kinda shows how the locals in Louisiana are being sold out by those with more than a pa$$ing interest in keeping the status quo.  Mississippi Edition runs a day behind so I have no link for this morning’s interview. Here are some links on the topic.

Meantime the gang over at West Jefferson Medical Center lives the high life on the trough

Hat tip to Mr CLS who duly noted:

Colleagues and Camaraderie Were In Order

Appropriate title while one awaits the sentencing of Bill Hubbard on Thursday, January 20, 2011. Mr. Hubbard received and deposited checks from Jefferson Parish signed off by Parish President Aaron Broussard and then Finance Director Nancy Cassagne before leaving that position for CEO of West Jefferson Hospital an a nice 6 figure salary.

The menu was nice as Mr CLS noted per T-P society pumper Nell Nolan:

Among the slew of gourmet goodies were shrimp remoulade canapes, devils on horseback (wrapped Spanish chorizo encrusted in medjool dates), a Cajun baked brisket, and praline cheesecake in a chocolate cup. Continue reading “Meantime the gang over at West Jefferson Medical Center lives the high life on the trough”