In this episode of Magnum JD, Magnum breaks out the curry for Jindy and others with Naan

A stalwart Republican in Bobby Jindal hanging around with a super duper trial lawyer like Magnum JD? Surely they jest….

The commonality here is both managed to successfully shake down BP to further personal goals.

That leave of absence must have been awfully short.  The invite is below the fold

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3 thoughts on “In this episode of Magnum JD, Magnum breaks out the curry for Jindy and others with Naan”

  1. Robin Masters’ Estate is quickly becoming the situs for high-dollar fundraisers. Mike Foster and Bobby Brady Jindy considered Wendell Gauthier “trial lawyer” dog-shit stuck to the bottom of the boot that is Louisiana. Maybe Jindy forgot about the Gauthier firm’s huge verdict against the State of La. in the Avenal oyster-fisherman litigation. Ultimately, the La. Sup. Ct. reversed the verdict in spite of the fact that the lawyers for the state got their asses kicked at every level, including the La. Sup. Ct. where they were bailed out for strictly political purposes. But the fact remains, the Gauthier firm, even in its present incarnation with Magnum at the helm, is a plaintiff’s firm that sues corporations. There is nothing wrong with that, but something stinks to high heaven when these Republican jerkoffs like Nunny and Jindy are stuffing their politicial ideologies under the mattress for the sake of the almighty dollar.

  2. I agree whole heartedly Sock. I cut my teeth with the best plaintiff’s firm in this State and probably one of the best in the country and no way would they be helping raise money for Foster “tree” of politicans that basically gutted hundreds of years of tort law while in office.

    Wendell would not be thrilled in my opinion.

  3. As a staunch Republican, I have to admit that Bobby Jindal, who is obviously a bright guy, has sunken to new lows in pandering to anyone willing to give him money, including (Sock, you will see the irony here) “trial lawyers,” such as Magnum JD. If you hold yourself out as being pro-business, it is hard to imagine why you would associate with the likes of Magnum. Jindal, quit prostituting yourself out for your coffers and run the State!

    Then, in the Times Pick-a-Nose this morning, we see mention of yet another fete sponsored by Magnum and world famous chefs attended by Sheriff Jiff Hingle and Nunny. More supposed Republicans groveling with Magnum. Old man Nungesser, who was a close confidante to Gov. Dave Treen, must be spinning in his grave. As my momma says “Same song, second verse.” Nothing changes in this damn State except the cast of corrupt, do-nothing politicians – Republican, Democrat or Independent.

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