Slabbed catches up with Scott Walker. His trial in DC rescheduled to August.

Scott Walker / The Sun Herald


Margaret Baker at the Sun Herald had the latest skinny on Mississippi east coast’s most famous drunk in former Ocean Springs mayoral candidate Scott Walker for yesterday’s paper.  Before I share the news on the outcome of today’s hearing, let’s visit with that story to catch up as we fast forward from April and Walker’s arrests on DUI and simple assault charges: 

Former mayoral candidate and Coast businessman Scott J. Walker is slated to go to trial Monday in Washington on allegations he assaulted a staffer of U.S. Sen. Roger Wicker’s office in April, according to court records. 

Court records show prosecutors Tuesday had filed a request for a delay in the case, which was granted Thursday. Prosecutors then withdrew their request for the delay, records show. The trial is expected to move forward as planned. 

Walker, 30, was arrested April 11 at The Ritz-Carlton hotel on attempted possession of a prohibited weapon and simple assault. 

He is accused of assaulting Eleanor D. Kelly, 27. 

Kelly is a staffer for Senator Wicker who had the misfortune of hooking up with Walker not long after his divorce and unsuccessful run for Mayor of Ocean Springs. Predictably Walker’s lawyer Bernard Grimm plans to use character assassination as Walker’s main defense: 

Walker has not commented on the incident. However, his attorney, Bernard Grimm, has said Kelly was “inebriated” at the time of the incident, and Walker was arrested as a result. Walker, Grimm said, is innocent. 

The pictures of Ms Kelley after her last encounter with Walker are certain to tell a different story. 

I’ve taken the liberty of posting Walker’s docket to Scribd and it shows today’s hearing went off without a hitch though the trial has been rescheduled.  A bench trial on the assault and weapons charges is scheduled for August 23, 2010.  Maybe the Sun Herald will have something on the DUI charges in Ocean Springs in the interim. Stay tuned. 

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2 thoughts on “Slabbed catches up with Scott Walker. His trial in DC rescheduled to August.”

  1. You’re welcome John. Walker’s family has money and they bought a good lawyer in Bernie Grimm so this should be interesting indeed. The local DUI case has also generated a good bit of buzz.


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