On last night’s episode of The Ascent of Money: An Interview with Dickie Scruggs in “Risky Business”

Niall covered insurance in depth and in ways that I thought were simply excellent. He also completely debunks the notion held dear by our own insurance Commish that the private markets can handle any sort of large scale catastrophe (it really doesn’t handle the small scale kind very well after all). While Niall covered various solutions all had problems including unbridled faith in what Editilla calls the invisible hand. It was an hour very well spent as we traveled from Chile to the Mississippi Coast.

Those wanting to catch up can watch last night’s episode in full here.

Warning: If you are an insurance industry type with a heart problem or take medication to get an erection please consult your doctor before watching.


2 thoughts on “On last night’s episode of The Ascent of Money: An Interview with Dickie Scruggs in “Risky Business””

  1. Your “Warning” is too funny! Aren’t you a C.P.A.? If I got that wrong, you’re certainly in the $ arena to watch an hour long show like this! You’re also a journalist and now, after reading your “Warning,” I see that you’re a comedian as well ! 🙂

    Hey, nothing wrong w/watching “boring” shows that probably fascinate you. I watch endless episodes of Forensic Files, Dominic Dunne, 48 Hours, Snapped – just about anything on Court TV and people always ask “How do you watch that stuff?” Somebody has to, right? If there weren’t people like us interested in our respective “interests,” we’d be in more trouble than the ins. companies already have us in.


  2. Thanks for the compliment, I received another virtually identical comment via email from a writer I greatly respect. I’ll give you the short version of my reply to that email.

    I am a CPA though you’d never be able to sterotype me as the dull bean counter. In person and on the finance boards where I cut my teeth I tend to be self deprecating and I possess a wicked sense of humor. I don’t get to indulge it much here on Slabbed due to the subect matter we cover.

    In any event Niall and his prigram on insurance is not only most timely but also nice to see an economist (without a financial dog in the hunt) can reach the same conclusions on the broad topic of insurance as a bean counter from soggy bottom Mississippi. who supposed doesn’t know shit from shinola about insurance.


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