A Few 4th of July Weekend Odds and Ends

039 CropI took these pictures Friday afternoon after noticing our occasional visitors decided to drop by in the 100 degree heat. They were partial to both shade and a certain kind of weed that sprouted along with the grass in the newly filled portion of my yard.

055 CropAfter I approached too closely with the camera one deer of the group decided to take a peek back at me before disappearing into the woods.

056 CropOne final pose before rejoining the herd.

But on the coast you can’t have a proper 4th of July celebration without including the sound in the festivity equation. So Friday night we went floundering. The wind was a bit too stiff at 10:00PM and we didn’t see very much beside a few needle fish.

Ship Island July 5, 2009-002If the wind is blowing then the surf is up at Ship Island.

Ship Island July 5, 2009I was surprised the crowd on such a good beach day was slim. Perhaps when the permanent facilities come online next year the crowds will improve.

Ship Island July 5, 2009-001Today we all nurse varying degrees of sunburn.