Legal team for Rigsby sisters files first qui tam motion

Boy did we ever miss the Rigsby sisters’ legal team in formation and the notices of appearance filed by Mississippi attorneys Maison Heidelberg and Jinny Kennedy of Maison Heidelberg, PA.

Maison Heidelberg is a 1993 graduate of Vanderbuilt Law School. He finished in the top ten (10%) of his class… Mr. Heidelberg’s practice focuses on insurance disputes, with the rest divided between business litigation and personal injury, and other broad, general disputes…Ginny Kennedy finished Mississippi College Law School in 2006. She ranked in the top 10% of her class and brings more than fifteen years paralegal experience, which preceded her entry into law school.

Heidelberg and Kennedy are joined by the three attorneys from Gilbert Robinson admitted pro hac vice – all introduced in a Sunday post by Bellesouth. I had to go full screen to see the notices about the entrance of Heidelberg and Kennedy after finding their Emergency Motion on Pacer tonight.

Pursuant to Uniform Local Rule 7.2(h), Kerri and Cod Rigsby (“Relators” or “the Rigsbys”), through undersigned counsel, respectfully move this Court for leave to obtain information and documents from the Relators’ former counsel, all of whom have either withdrawn or been disqualified.

These folks have a light touch with heavy information – take a look at this footnote re: indemnification by Scruggs.

The Relators no longer receive any consulting fee or other payments from any of the Former Counsel. Indeed, the only connection that any Former Counsel has with the Rigsbys is that Richard Scruggs and/or the Scruggs Law Firm agreed orally to indemnify them for defense costs and any losses incurred as a result of litigation involving State Farm and E.A. Renfroe & Company. That indemnity agreement was disclosed in Renfroe v. Rigsby, 06-AR-I752-S, (N.D. Ala. 2007), and acknowledged by Judge Acker in that matter. See Order at I, Docket No. [233], December 17,2007 (mentioning indemnity agreement and asking counsel to provide date of agreement); Defendant’s Reply to Plaintiff’s Request to Defendants Motion to Disqualiry Court at 1-2, Docket No. [240], December 21,2007 (describing the indemnity agreement). The Rigsbys recently have had some discussions with representatives of Richard Scruggs and/or the Scruggs law firm regarding whether to reduce the indemnity agreement to writing to avoid any confusion regarding its terms. New Counsel intend to assist the Rigsbys in connection with the possibility of reducing the indemnity agreement to writing.

Here’s another example – one that suggests an attorney with Ginny’s history a paralegal will prove invaluable to the legal team.

There are currently eighteen pending dispositive motions that have been filed by Defendants…State Farm’s pending motions alone reference pleadings in at least six related cases, containing thousands of docket entries.

Thousands of docket entries – and the Rigsby sisters are just now in a position to start filling the docket with motions of their own. Amazing.

7 thoughts on “Legal team for Rigsby sisters files first qui tam motion”

  1. Whoo Hoo! I am so excited that this case is moving along, finally. I hope from now on, the judge will see the tactics of State Farm’s constant derailing of the case for what it is and keep it on track.

  2. You all must be very excited. You have new lawyers to worship.

    I look forward to your uncritical acceptance and endorsement of every word they write or speak.

  3. N:

    What could they possibly say that would cause you to do anything other than lick their shoes?

  4. claimsguy, they’ve got to wade through the “thousands” of docket items.

    Speaking of wading, a couple of years ago I took a picture of a house in the Delta with inside stuff on the porch – none of it in good repair. Sofa with the springs showing was sitting next to some sort of kitchen appliance as I recall.

    Out in the yard, front and center, was this big Waste Management trash container on wheels – in better condition by far than the house or the items on the porch.

    I showed the picture to a friend who worked in the industry and said it’s really sad when the nicest thing a family has is one of your trash containers.

    I end up ROFLMAO every time I think of his response – that’s not their’s…probably picked it up to duck hunt because they can’t afford waders…we lose a lot like that this time of year.

    So, the long answer to your question, claimsguy, is if they come up with what they need to wade through all those SF docket notations, keep their shoes clean, and take this case to trial, I won’t lick ’em but I might kiss ’em.

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