Confessions of a straight southern white guy: “Why context coupled with facts matter”

You never really know a man till you walk a mile in his shoes” ~ Atticus Finch

Before Hurricane Katrina, when I was still a relative newbie on the finance message boards, I was cyber smeared as I managed to piss off some very powerful people.  Part of that smear, most of it in fact, derived from using typical stereotypes of Mississippians, as I was accused of everything from racism to homophobia and every intolerant stereotype in between, none of which are true. They were effective however as it played to what I’ll call a mass cognitive bias.  Mississippians have a long history of shameful, intolerant behavior and to this day we all have a general reputation as racists. Out of the ass kicking I took back then, I filed what happened away as is my wont, determined to revisit the issue again when the time was right.  That time comes today.

For those of you that have missed out on the jolly good time we’ve had over the past couple of weeks with the libel tourists Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret I became the most notorious blogger in all of the Maritimes and then Canada itself when the Toronto Star cyber smeared me over the default libel judgment Leary and Perret obtained against me in Nova Scotia.  I was anticipating it back in mid January and posted several hints to the Slabbed Nation about what was coming.  You see folks that first cut back then before Katrina was indeed the deepest.  This time though, I had the advantage of having the playbook in advance.

So I called the Nova Scotia judiciary a “judicial hellhole” among other things while the case against me there was being adjudicated.  I knew that Leary and Perret would make sure the judge knew in order to stoke the flames.  I wanted a large judgment and am actually disappointed it wasn’t 7 figures like was rumored a few days before.  That said I must have also really worked up that twit Suzanne Hood, as she took two days to prepare the damages opinion and then spent 75 minutes reading it aloud according to press reports.  I do not have much respect for court systems that cater to con men and grifters and was happy to show it because I knew it would help highlight a larger problem with Libel Tourism. The way I had it figured the larger the award, the more notoriety it would get in the Canadian media.  To the extent there is no such thing as bad publicity I welcomed it as I knew that “context coupled with facts” would win the day once the propaganda induced anger subsided. Continue reading “Confessions of a straight southern white guy: “Why context coupled with facts matter””

Trout Point figure dead in New Orleans: SouthCoast Today

In the midst of a widening probe surrounding the roiling fraud scandal involving top players in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, attorney Roy D’Aquila has died in New Orleans, of an apparent heart attack. D’Aquila was the law partner of Aaron Broussard, currently the key figure in the federal investigation, which has resulted in 33-count indictments against Broussard, his ex-wife Karen Parker-Broussard and parish attorney Tom Wilkinson. Broussard, Parker-Broussard and A’Quila have been owners of property and property management firms based in the Trout Point development in East Kempt, adjacent to a popular luxury lodge in the area.

D’Aquila was a fifty per-cent partner in Kempt Wilderness Lodge Services, with a business address at 7 Trout Point Road, adjacent to the Tusket River.

Read more at The SouthCoast Today.

Thursday Music: We have a winner!

From a reader, ” LOL, Glad they missed your post on “They call me the assassin“. That would have really scared them…”

From another, “Those weren’t fever blisters Leary had no sir. Beat off blisters maybe……”


First class bitches, common thugs or plain ol’ morons: The Girls at Trout Point Lodge sue Fox 8 and Slabbed. A Trout Point Lodge /Jefferson Parish Political Corruption Scandal Update

Folks the litigitious bunch at Team Girls/Trout Point are suing again and I was leaked a copy.  I use the term leak here because the paperwork arrived at my doorstep in what Mrs Sop describes as a “knock and run”.  What I’m gonna do since time is short for me today is post the suit, which is both inane and fairly comical.  (Internally we couldn’t decide  if paragraphs 26, 87  or 88 were the funniest but I feel comfortable our readers can make up their own minds there.)  Later I will post an official statement from Slabbed New Media LLC and put up a new page titled “So You Want to Sue Slabbed” which will give some elemental instruction on how to properly execute service of process etc. Click the pic to get the latest screed from the girls while I prepare the next installment connecting Trout Point Lodge to the Jefferson Parish Political Corrutpion Scandal. ~ sop

Trout Point here we come….

The article itself at Outside the Beltway is well worth the read.  (H/T OpinionatedCatholic on twitter.)


From the reader mailbag: Nova Scotia, Paulsen v State Farm and Redflex

Question: What is going on in Nova Scotia?

Answer: Much of nothing good as business fell off drastically at chez girlz in 2010 when Aaron Br0ussard was forced from office in disgrace. In fact our friends over at The Jefferson Report recently profiled Aaron Broussard’s last financial disclosure and it appears he is selling out of the Canadian foodie concept, no doubt trying to position his finances for his legal defense.

Broussard IMHO was the key to making the 3 boutique travel lodge ventures work. The girls were the idea mongers in this equation but beyond Danny Abel in his heyday with Wendell Gauthier they evidently had champaign tastes on a beer budget.  Broussard was the hypester for the 3 ventures and he raised money from select members of the general public to turn these ideas into bricks and mortar reality.  The plans were in reality hatched not born of any sense of practicality as the market has passed judgement on the girl’s plan and execution of it and the verdict is not good. Continue reading “From the reader mailbag: Nova Scotia, Paulsen v State Farm and Redflex”