Its Official! The River Birch Deal with Jefferson Parish is a bad deal for Jefferson Parish. A 1 plus 1 equals 2 update.

Folks, whether it’s insurance or a landfill deal, when you strip away the bullshit and (itinerate stench) and follow the money 1 plus 1 indeed still does equal 2.  That said, with the eyes of the Slabbed Nation upon them, the folks at Providence Engineering and Postlethwaite & Netterville have stripped away Fred Heebe, Tom Wilkinson and Tim Whitmer’s bullshit and indeed found that River Birch will cost the taxpayers of Jefferson Parish more money instead of delivering promised savings.  I suspect newly minted GOPer John Alario and his band of West Bank criminal idiots is not taking this news well.

Paul Rioux delivered the late Friday evening scoop for the Times Piacyune.

Jefferson Parish news miscellany. Another Wilkinson in print. Cock-up before conspiracy? Providence Engineering now in the game.

A reader sent me this link to a Mark Waller story late yesterday afternoon with a simple observation.


The question of course, regards Terri Wilkinson, assistant planning director in Jefferson Parish.

We’re normally not the type of place that would drag the families of disgraced, soon to be indicted former Parish employees into the mud gratuitously but with Tom Wilkinson in law Nancy Cassagne running West Jefferson Medical Center despite a complete lack of qualification and given that Terri likely would have fallen under Tom’s special friend Debbie on the old organization chart makes this topic fair game IMHO.

Speaking of Tom Wilkinson I wonder if he ever figured out the extent to which he was despised in the Yenni Building.  I’ve had several current parish employees tell me of Tom’s fondness for calling department heads into his office for the singular purpose of shouting at them for kicks.  Asking the victim/employee to shut the door behind them after he was done cursing them I’m told Wilkinson would then giggle at the pointless dressing down he laid on his hapless victim. Continue reading “Jefferson Parish news miscellany. Another Wilkinson in print. Cock-up before conspiracy? Providence Engineering now in the game.”

And Providence Engineering is toast. A River Birch contract evaluation update.

I think by now even the slowest of learners in Jefferson Parish know the River Birch deal is a boondoggle/pig in the poke.  Rich Rainey at the Times Picayune is reporting the Parish Council did not take action on inserting Providence Engineering in place of MSW.  I bet that $1,000 they gave to Parish Councilman turned Parish President candidate John Young is the fly in the ointment.  The hat tip goes to Patricia in the comments to my last update for digging up that last skeleton.

Big dog John Alario and his protegé Lil’ pup Steve Theriot are quickly running out of surrogate engineers to perfume Alario’s investment in River Birch.

At least they can do business with BP without turning any heads. Atta boy Deano.


Let’s spend a second visiting with the River Birch evaluation and end an ongoing mystery

Slabbed commenter Nolakat recently left us a comment which asked:

I recently heard that the engineering consultant that was hired as a sub to the Baton Rouge accounting firm that was hired by the JP Council to examine the financial feasibility of the River Birch Landfill deal has resinged from the project. Any insight?

Nolakat has great sources because I was finally able to verify that MSW was replaced as the engineering firm in the River Birch contract evaluation. (Our previous posts on MSW can be found here and here.)  I’ll add this was not easy information to obtain as there is a substantial veil of secrecy surrounding this endeavor. Continue reading “Let’s spend a second visiting with the River Birch evaluation and end an ongoing mystery”