DMR Scandal day 59: Like I said Billy Walker has pictures on ’em

Trinity Walker new wifey to Scott Walker / Sun Herald

OK folks excuse me while I take a few victory laps for my prediction about Walker having pictures on everyone.

Well, I took the lap but I’m not the champ, actually we have co-champs in Michael Newsom, Karen Nelson and Anita Lee at the Sun Herald because today they dare to ask the question, “Exactly how much does it take to co-opt a Mississippi State Legislator?”.  The answer is not much beyond taking ’em on a  few fishin’ trips on those boats Walker owns via his “nonprofit” or charters that the taxpayers paid for and this is both pathetic and sadly predictable.

DMR charters fishing trips in South Mississippi for lawmakers, others ~ Michael Newsom

And yes we have pictures as the boats have/had Facebook pages.  It gets better folks as the we also learn the Friends and Family Program at DMR also included an employment agency component for all the little politically connected piggies in West Jackson/East Harrison Counties including Joe Ziegler and his wifey Connie Ziegler, Tina Shumates family, Scott Walker’s wifey Trinity etc etc etc. Heck folks don’t take my word for it:

Connections: Neighbors, relatives and politicians land DMR jobs in South Mississippi ~ Karen Nelson and Anita Lee Continue reading “DMR Scandal day 59: Like I said Billy Walker has pictures on ’em”