In our continuing episode of Magnum J.D. Baldwin v Costner: In fact Bull Durham, we’re all amused.

Folks in today’s update of the trial in Judge Feldman’s courtroom Bull Durham was on the stand last week and me thinks the pressure is getting to Costner, who could not read his testimony from a script like he did before Congress back in 2010. Here are a few snippets from 2 AP stories filed on the topic the the first of which detailed Bull’s testimony from last Thursday:

Actor Kevin Costner says he was heartbroken as he watched millions of gallons of oil spew into the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 and that he headed to New Orleans to see whether cleanup devices he helped develop could aid the recovery effort. Costner, who has been sued in a multimillion-dollar business dispute involving the devices, told jurors he was nervous. “My name is at stake,” he said.

Indeed it is as we’d all be disappointed if Bull is perceived as anything other than full of BS because that is all we saw back in 2010 when he showed up in this area like a fly on shit after the oil spill peddling useless centrifuge technology as a cure all for the Macondo well blowout. Bull has an interesting self concept of his contribution to combating the spill:

“I’m not just a celebrity,” Costner said during testimony. “I’m not just a person who opens doors.”

Continue reading “In our continuing episode of Magnum J.D. Baldwin v Costner: In fact Bull Durham, we’re all amused.”

In our continuing episode of Magnum J.D. Baldwin v Costner Day 2: There’s no business like show business…..

Today I’ll highlight some of the main stream media reporting on the trial and I am going to draw a sharp line and differentiate the reporting. First up though we need to examine what got everyone into Judge Feldman’s courtroom, one that is very plaintiff unfriendly if said plaintiff is an individual suing an insurance company.

Gullibility is a failure of social intelligence in which a person is easily tricked or manipulated into an ill-advised course of action. It is closely related to credulity, which is the tendency to believe unlikely propositions that are unsupported by evidence.

Classes of people especially vulnerable to exploitation due to gullibility include children, the elderly, and the developmentally disabled

I was tempted to sign into my wiki account and add the words “and National Media” because they made this lawsuit in a way back in 2010 by giving Costner huge amounts of free publicity when he showed up on the Gulf Coast like a fly circling a fresh cow pie after the oil spill. Notice I used the term “publicity” instead of “news” because the reporting was uncritical and 100% derived from controlled tests of Costner’s centrifuge technology, which were not previously commercially viable and was not used to any effect in the 2010 oil spill.

Simply put we had a ring side seat here at Slabbed when we highlighted the threatened lawsuit against Frank Levy on June 17, 2010 that was mentioned in so many of yesterday’s media reports on the civil suit. It was obvious to any local with half a brain this was the oil spill equivalent to a stock market pump and dump. But the media had stars in their eyes and made the Costner inspired scam “news” without a critical, second thought. Continue reading “In our continuing episode of Magnum J.D. Baldwin v Costner Day 2: There’s no business like show business…..”

In this episode of Magnum J.D.: Baldwin and Contogouris file another lawsuit against Bull Durham and Magnum.

This suit was filed yesterday in the 24th JDC by Team Baldwin lawyer Leo Polazzo of Gretna. Click the pic for the pdf of the suit.