Le’ Nouveau Construction debarred from Jefferson Parish Contracting

This story and Slabbed’s coverage of it go way back to late 2010. Chad Calder at the New Orleans Advocate has the latest:

Jefferson ethics panel urges company be banned from parish work

On the topic of whether Mississippi or Louisiana is the most corrupt state in the union my money would be on Louisiana and this saga involving the now convicted former Louisiana legislator Girod Jackson along with former councilman Byron Lee and his successor on the Jefferson Parish Council Mark Spears would be one of the reasons why. Only the DMR disaster approaches the scale of the annual looting of the “conprofits” in Louisiana.

Slabbed, of course, has broken major portions of this story and then some, going all the way back to late 2010. (Click here for a series of posts on this specific part of the larger controversy.) We’ll see if the Parish Council votes to affirm the Parish’s debarment recommendation for Le Nouveau.

Given the taxpayer funded looting this is really a slap on the wrist but it is all Parish government can do.

About this Anatola Thompson resignation deal. We’re waiting…..

If I may be so bold as to disclose that my sources are teases besides being sources. But….

Jefferson Parish administration official abruptly resigns ~ Ben Myers

With that said while we wait for news:

Jefferson Parish Community Development Director Anatola Thompson resigns (UPDATED)

And folks my sources are telling me she is not leaving the Parish under blue sky conditions. In fact the betting money is on….

All eyes on officialdom next week.  I know more but that is all I can say about this topic for now. (h/t Anonymous)

Here are a few recent and not so recent links:

Free mortgage aid attracts hundreds to Jefferson Parish government office ~ Drew Broach

Jefferson Parish finalizes plan for $16.5 million federal disaster grant ~ Ben Myers

Jefferson Parish Community Development ~ Official Jefferson Parish website (Note the news on Ms Thompson’s departure is so fresh Ms Thompson is still listed as employed by the Parish.)

Update – September 28, 2013

The crickets are chirping folks as news has leaked out from the deepest recesses of Jefferson Parish Government so this morning I share more information that came to me via anonymous bat signal.

First thing all eyes need to be on the Legislative Auditor’s website because there is a report rumored to be released that is evidently damning towards Ms Thompson. In looking for clues as to what may be coming we need to check in with Hammerman: Continue reading “Jefferson Parish Community Development Director Anatola Thompson resigns (UPDATED)”