Drew Broach continues slogging through the Wrinkled Robe papers, examines the infamous fight between Al Copeland and Bobby Guidry.

The posts I’ve done that contained the names Al Copeland and Bobby Guidry generally end up as excellent “muckreads” here on Slabbed as the Fried Chicken King was ass deep with several wrinkled robes and Guidry with the Edwin Edwards prosecution and surfacing on Slabbed in the Perdigao saga. So along those lines Drew Broach checks in again with another installment of his FOIA based examination of the FBI files in the wrinkled robe investigation into courthouse corruption in Jefferson Parish that profiles the fist fight between Guidry and Copeland inside Morton’s steakhouse.  Broach makes a bit of a leap in his identifying Bryan White as Copeland’s “Consigliere” that contacted Team Letten to have Guidry’s probation revoked after the fight.  Guidry sure did get a sweet deal in the EWE prosecution folks.


Drew Broach takes a nostalgic trip down wrinkled robe lane as the Times Picayune profiles recently released internal FBI records.

The Times Picayune went above and beyond in their FOIA based 4 year investigation into Team FBI and Operation Wrinkled Robe, a 9 year saga that concluded with the impeachment last year of Federal District Court Judge Tom pOrteous. We’ve written extensively on both the investigation and last year’s impeachment proceedings with my Bell Cow post on Wrinkled Robe itself found here with Nowdy’s combo Wrinkled Robe/Porteous/Shaved genitalia masterpiece here. Today T-P editor Drew Broach nicely adds to the extensive body of knowledge that is Operation Wrinkled Robe with his report on FBI investigation papers which includes some interactive graphics and the FOIA response itself. It is simply very well done.

Some of the names mentioned should be very familiar to Slabbed lifers in Kenner’s Skip Hand and Steve Mortillaro, later termed deadhead employees by Aaron Broussard’s replacement Steve Theriot. But we also learn that the investigation also went on location in Biloxi twice as the Marcotte’s bought the judges rooms at the Beau Rivage.

Most interesting is how the whole thing started with a tip from a disgruntled competitor of Louis Marcotte to the Metropolitan Crime Commission, the same folks that filed the ethics complaint against Aaron Broussard for making parish venders rent his vacation property at the Trout Point development in Nova Scotia.  Ol’ Aaron has since began selling his Canadian holdings including his beloved River Bend Lodge, which was sold earlier this year to Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret of Trout Point Lodge infamy.

I mention all this because all it takes is a tip to start something far larger. Continue reading “Drew Broach takes a nostalgic trip down wrinkled robe lane as the Times Picayune profiles recently released internal FBI records.”

Around the GO Zone in 60 Seconds Rebuilding Edition: The Show Will Go On

We’re way past due for an around the GO Zone post, my version of “stick and move” blogging that combines several different news stories in one post. It has been a few months since the last news tour of the area. Without further adieu here is the news that caprtured my interest.

First stop is Bay St Louis and ground breaking on the reconstruction of Beach Road. This truly has been a long time coming as JR Welsh reports for the Sun Herald:

Along this road for generations, people have fallen in love, walked their dogs, swum, fished and enjoyed beach bonfires. Most of that – except the memories – disappeared August 29, 2005, when Hurricane Katrina ripped away the roadway until there was little left.

Construction on a new federally funded Beach Boulevard, to cost nearly $6 million, actually began last week. But the celebration was held Tuesday, with officials from the city, county, state and private sector gleefully tossing sand into a pile with shovels. Continue reading “Around the GO Zone in 60 Seconds Rebuilding Edition: The Show Will Go On”

Al Copeland, Fried Chicken and Courthouse Corruption

A week or so back I was reading some interesting chicken soup recipes on another blog and I chuckled as the outlanders simultaneously displayed both admiration and confusion over the 300 plus year old cultural traditions that make New Orleans and the Mississippi Coast both charming and an enigma to outsiders. In the old days, especially south of I-10 here in Mississippi we viewed ourselves as a world apart from the rest of Mississippi. In Waveland, we considered ourselves a suburb of New Orleans. Many of our Dads commuted daily to New Orleans to work; many New Orleanians has second homes or retired to Waveland, where our population would seemingly double in the Summer.

Most of our cultural traditions we hold close. For example, I never fully explained to Nowdy, for instance, that “Later” is a common substitute for “Good bye” down here. To understand the people and culture you really have to live the experience. Despite Mississippi’s own rich history of outragious politicians they seem minor league in comparison to characters like Earl Long or Leander Perez, who ruled Plaquemines and St Bernard Parishes for many years. Closure from the impacts of Perez family rule would many years later find my best friend escorting his Mom to Buras Pointe a la Hache to collect her share of the oil royalties her cajun family, like so many others, had been swindled out of by the Perez family.

This morning we learn of the passing of another cultural icon, Al Copeland. Al was equal part fried chicken king, speed boat racer, serial spouse and modern day Kris Kringle (not to be confused with Mr. Bingle 😉 ). His name was also associated with judicial bribery long before it became fashionable in Mississippi. Continue reading “Al Copeland, Fried Chicken and Courthouse Corruption”