Several bites of news – Girl Scouts cookies, Adams & Reese, Baldwin v Costner

First, a bite of Girl Scout cookie news – Dispute about Thin Mints gets physical from the newly redesigned Clarion Ledger website:

Police say a brawl between roommates over Girl Scout cookies led to assault charges against one of them. According to the Naples Daily News, the Collier County Sheriff’s Office reports that 31-year-old Hersha Howard woke up her roommate early Sunday and accused her of eating her Thin Mints. They argued and deputies say that it turned physical with Howard chasing her roommate with scissors and hitting her repeatedly with a board and then a sign.

A fight over Thin Mints is newsworthy to cookie lovers but a reader sent a news bite about an entirely different legal matter involving Adams & Reese, a familiar name to those who followed the SLABBED coverage of USA v Perdiago.

Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson and Adams & Reese are being sued for at least $300 million in damages for legal advice to accused Ponzi schemer R. Allen Stanford. The class action suit was filed last week by attorneys representing a group of Stanford investors in U.S. District Court in Dallas…The suit says Stanford hired Adams and Reese after Jones Walker issued a legal opinion in 2001 raising questions about using onshore trust offices to sell Stanford certificates of deposits to IRAs…(complaint below the jump)

The cake-taking news, however, comes from Baldwin v Costner – check the size of Magnum J.D.’s slice: Continue reading “Several bites of news – Girl Scouts cookies, Adams & Reese, Baldwin v Costner”

From the Slabbed mail bag: Stop it Sop! You're making Mikey the Cook Cry!!

Mississippi Insurance Commissioner Mike Chaney

Folks the Slabbed mailbag is the gift that keeps on giving today (besides Poldawg) as my last post on Jim Donelon and Mike Chaney aka Jimbo the Clown and Mikey the Cook has evidently hit close to home. 

I’ll freely admit the New Media is a concept that is mostly lost on career politicians and their entourage of political hacks and this despite the excellent advice dispensed by our friend Dambala at the American Zombie in early June. In any event I thought of Dambala’s post when I received this forward from our contact form: 

The fake picture with Insurance Commissioner Mike Chaney with his head up his a.. is vulgar at best. Anonymous postings are cowardly – why don’t you have the guts to say Continue reading “From the Slabbed mail bag: Stop it Sop! You're making Mikey the Cook Cry!!”

SLABBED Daily – April 19

The Mississippi Press headline Dale: Insurance needs change offered a glimmer of hope; but, to paraphrase the immortal words of former Texas governor Ann Richards, Poor George! He was born with a insurance money in his mouth!

The insurance industry must change as a result of Hurricane Katrina, but most of the solutions being offered on the coast are not the answer, former Insurance Commissioner George Dale said Thursday at a luncheon.

“The way insurance is being delivered today is not working,” Dale told members of the Southeast Mississippi chapter of National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors…

Dale said that one of the most popular proposed solutions to the insurance crisis on the coast is to offer a multi-peril option as part of the National Flood Insurance Program.

But he said that the national flood program built up more than $15 billion in debt during Katrina, and emphasized that this was without having to pay for wind-related damages.

Poor George! He still doesn’t get it.  The flood program did indeed pay for wind-related damages – and, the word for that is fraud. Continue reading “SLABBED Daily – April 19”

What in the world is going on with USA v Perdigao?

I found Waldo and I’m hoping Sally James and NAAS  will stop by with comments on the Motion for Continuation filed in USA v Perdigao.  waldo1

Now comes David L. Arena, Senior United States Probation Officer, and moves the Court for an order continuing the sentence in the above-matter which is currently set for February 11, 2009, because additional time is needed to prepare a pre-sentence report. Neither defense counselor, Charles Griffin, nor Assistant United States Attorney, James Mann, have any objections to a brief continuance. Therefore the probation officer moves the Court to continue the sentencing date in this case for approximately 30 days.

Somehow, I don’t think Sop will be surprised by the delay or the reminder in this Notice of Continuation. Continue reading “What in the world is going on with USA v Perdigao?”

Perdigao’s Puzzle – Plea on all hallows eve with all saints to follow (Sop Updated) (Nowdy updated, again Friday)

No one could make this stuff up; so, adding to the Perdigao Puzzle, are four new items on the docket – including the Second Superseding Indictment that NAAS mentioned in comment – along with this from the ABA Journal: Ex-Partner May Plead in Fraud Case Over Alleged $30M La Law Firm Theft.

A news agency is reporting that James Perdigao…is expected to plead guilty.”Court records show that former Adams and Reese law partner James Perdigao has a change-of-plea hearing scheduled for Friday,” reports the Associated Press. However, his legal counsel and a spokesman for the local U.S. Attorney, Jim Letten, did not comment…

At a hearing Monday, an FBI agent testified that Perdigao has continued accessing the Adams and Reese system ever since he was fired in 2004. He filed a racketeering suit against Adams and Reese earlier this year which the law firm says is baseless. It contends that the firm trumped up the theft claim after he refused to go along with unsavory practices.

Meanwhile, a federal magistrate revoked Perdigao’s $2 million bond on Monday, based in part on new claims that he hacked into the law firm’s computers earlier this month…Those claims resulted in a grand jury indictment yesterday, the AP notes…I

In that case, Perdigao is accused of stealing confidential correspondence between the firm, prosecutors and the FBI, as well as bills and records… (emphasis added)

The irony of scheduling Perdigao’s change of plea hearing on October 31st, is not lost – Perdigao versus the saints starting at 11:00am tomorrow before Judge Fallon. Continue reading “Perdigao’s Puzzle – Plea on all hallows eve with all saints to follow (Sop Updated) (Nowdy updated, again Friday)”

Perdigao's Puzzle – Plea on all hallows eve with all saints to follow (Sop Updated) (Nowdy updated, again Friday)

No one could make this stuff up; so, adding to the Perdigao Puzzle, are four new items on the docket – including the Second Superseding Indictment that NAAS mentioned in comment – along with this from the ABA Journal: Ex-Partner May Plead in Fraud Case Over Alleged $30M La Law Firm Theft.

A news agency is reporting that James Perdigao…is expected to plead guilty.”Court records show that former Adams and Reese law partner James Perdigao has a change-of-plea hearing scheduled for Friday,” reports the Associated Press. However, his legal counsel and a spokesman for the local U.S. Attorney, Jim Letten, did not comment…

At a hearing Monday, an FBI agent testified that Perdigao has continued accessing the Adams and Reese system ever since he was fired in 2004. He filed a racketeering suit against Adams and Reese earlier this year which the law firm says is baseless. It contends that the firm trumped up the theft claim after he refused to go along with unsavory practices.

Meanwhile, a federal magistrate revoked Perdigao’s $2 million bond on Monday, based in part on new claims that he hacked into the law firm’s computers earlier this month…Those claims resulted in a grand jury indictment yesterday, the AP notes…I

In that case, Perdigao is accused of stealing confidential correspondence between the firm, prosecutors and the FBI, as well as bills and records… (emphasis added)

The irony of scheduling Perdigao’s change of plea hearing on October 31st, is not lost – Perdigao versus the saints starting at 11:00am tomorrow before Judge Fallon. Continue reading “Perdigao's Puzzle – Plea on all hallows eve with all saints to follow (Sop Updated) (Nowdy updated, again Friday)”

Perdigao and the itch he had to scratch

One way of thinking about the allegations about Perdigao’s Walmart “swapping” is that the behavior is consistent with his banking of A&R fees – or what some would describe as “an itch he just had to scratch.”

Maybe so but not only am I withholding judgment until there’s more information, that’s not the “itch” I had in mind when selecting the title of this post.

Perdigao was arrested on Wednesday, the 15th, and made an initial appearance before Judge Moore on the 16th at which time, Judge Moore issued an order for medical treatment – for poison ivy.

...late at night when you’re sleeping
Poison ivy comes a creeping all around

While nothing in the record provided any additional information about his condition, it’s been my experience that when poison ivy starts creeping, there’s no more sleeping.  Consequently, I was shocked by the Continue reading “Perdigao and the itch he had to scratch”

Perdigao files for reconsideration of recusal and renewed request for evidentiary hearing

Brass, just gotta be brass.

As more fully set forth herein, defendant respectfully requests that the court reconsider its order denying the defendant’s motion to recuse, forthwith hold an evidentiary hearing, and issue more specific findings of fact and conclusions of law in order to properly comply with Fed.R.Crim.P. 12(d).

Proposed Memorandum in Support of Motion for Reconsideration and Renewed Request for Evidentiary Hearing here

Undersigned counsel had no notice that the status conference scheduled for June 6, 2008 would be anything other than a status conference preparatory to the evidentiary hearing scheduled for June 19, 2008. Without any notice to defense counsel, the court turned the status conference into a formal court hearing wherein the court ruled on the motion to recuse and request for evidentiary hearing.

Subsequently, the court issued its Order and Reasons entered on July 9, 2008 denying the defendant’s motion to recuse and request for evidentiary hearing (hereinafter the “Order and Reasons”). See R. Doc. 117. The defendant respectfully suggests that the Order and Reasons are inadequate and deficient in that Fed.R.Crim.P. 12(d) requires that the court state its essential findings on the record. As more fully set forth below, the court failed to review and summarize the evidence, identify and address the hotly contested factual issues, and resolve them on the record as required by law.

Continue reading “Perdigao files for reconsideration of recusal and renewed request for evidentiary hearing”

Adams Family Values Part 1: Get Out Before the Implosion

Big hat tip to our reader Bryce who alerted us to the Adams and Reese departures in Nashville. From the Nashville Post (subscription required):

Three partners are leaving Adams and Reese to launch their own tax firm – but they’re not (sic) going very far. Continue reading “Adams Family Values Part 1: Get Out Before the Implosion”