Dear Gang, there appears to be a problem. Love Anne Marie. XOXO

Folks I could be wrong but methinks this is known in polite society as exercer une pression sur les testicules. We don’t bite so if someone should be moved to make an official appearance we’re all ears. The following just in from team Vandenweghe. [scribd id=28206378 key=key-2ofrkpzg0fw0dxg2j8x1 mode=list] sop

Anne Marie Vandenweghe speaks out part deux: Public records requests contain disparities.

Stay tuned to Fox 8 for the latest developments on the Tuesday Night Massacre as Val Bracy evidently taped an extensive interview with Ms Vandenweghe,the second part of which aired at 5pm today. While there is no video up yet on the story we do have Val’s print report from which we glean a few more nuggets … Continue reading “Anne Marie Vandenweghe speaks out part deux: Public records requests contain disparities.”

Ann Marie Vandenweghe speaks out. So the Times Picayune wants some answers and the truth. What an ugly truth it is.

Folks, while this is not all of the story, a few of the events leading to the Tuesday Night Massacre have finally made it to the public domain as Ann Marie Vandenweghe has spoken out to Fox 8’s investigative reporter Val Bracy.  To make certain the Slabbed Nation is clear on this I am not discriminating in favor of Channel … Continue reading “Ann Marie Vandenweghe speaks out. So the Times Picayune wants some answers and the truth. What an ugly truth it is.”

Slabbed Updates the Jefferson Parish Front: Theriot is toast. Anne Marie Vandenweghe files a Whistleblower Suit.

You already have put the parish in a bad position Mr Theriot. I won’t speculate whether you realize that yet but if you really want to do right by the citizens of Jefferson parish you sir should resign…… We knew early yesterday what the public now knows concerning the events surrounding the Tuesday Night Massacre where 3 … Continue reading “Slabbed Updates the Jefferson Parish Front: Theriot is toast. Anne Marie Vandenweghe files a Whistleblower Suit.”

The Marietta Daily Journal Sinks Their Teeth into the Beef Plant Scandal

Thanks to Mr Concerned for the link. The story contains quotes from Moultrie lawyer and law blogger Tom Freeland aka NMC. As a construction CPA the rumored exodus of human capital from The Facility Group is what interests me most. Here is the report by Jon Gillooly: Federal prosecutors have issued a new 16-count federal … Continue reading “The Marietta Daily Journal Sinks Their Teeth into the Beef Plant Scandal”

The Time Away was Refreshing

We didn’t plan to take a three week break folks it just kinda happened that way. It was nice to get away. Now the primaries are over the folks in Louisiana will have their elections and my inbox is already filling up with political paraphernalia from there – here is an example: Somewhere buried deep … Continue reading “The Time Away was Refreshing”

Lana Noonan | Hancock Republican Women Sponsored a Statewide Candidate Forum

The Hancock County Republican Women delivered a great event for the voters in Hancock County last night at the Diamondhead City Hall presenting the Republican candidates for office for the August 6, primaries and November General Election, for those who survive August. The format was very good; the questions were very good, and you just … Continue reading “Lana Noonan | Hancock Republican Women Sponsored a Statewide Candidate Forum”

It’s called the silly season for a reason. A quick primer for tomorrow’s run-off elections (Updated)

Tomorrow is the run off elections and while most folks are paying attention to the US Senate race here in South Mississippi there is also a Chancery judge runoff between Sandy Steckler and Margaret Alfonso. You do not find too much analysis of the nonpartisan judicial elections here in Mississippi and it is interesting in … Continue reading “It’s called the silly season for a reason. A quick primer for tomorrow’s run-off elections (Updated)”

A few thoughts on the Hancock Alliance for Good Government Municipal Candidate Forum

For those following along last night Slabbed put out two pictures but little else live as I was on the media panel that asked the questions. Council candidate portion of tonight’s #BSL election forum wrapping up. Panel asked tough questions for those running for office. — Slabbed New Media (@SlabbedNewMedia) April 21, 2017 After … Continue reading “A few thoughts on the Hancock Alliance for Good Government Municipal Candidate Forum”