Slabbed Updates the Jefferson Parish front: Wilkinson and Villio enter the twilight zone. A bit more on the Tuesday Night Massacre.

A reader observed to us offline last evening in advance of the Fox 8 report on the Jefferson Parish Personnel Board, this entire affair is taking on a Nixonesque quality. Before I link Val Bracy’s excellent report that ran last night at 10 we first must visit with a comment made by Whitmergate that brings events into a sharper … Continue reading “Slabbed Updates the Jefferson Parish front: Wilkinson and Villio enter the twilight zone. A bit more on the Tuesday Night Massacre.”

BREAKING: Theriot curbs one Parish Attorney and is giving two others a looksie

Problem is folks, double-dealing Tom Wilkinson is not one of them. Richard Rainey has the scoop for the Times Picayune: Six weeks into his job as interim president of Jefferson Parish government, Steve Theriot suspended one assistant parish attorney Tuesday and said he is examining the roles of two others who are former politicians. Theriot said he … Continue reading “BREAKING: Theriot curbs one Parish Attorney and is giving two others a looksie”

…and the Saints go marching in Katrina litigation

Oh, the Lord works in mysterious ways.  For example, tomorrow the trial in Bossier v State Farm begins on – trumpets, please – on All Souls Day.  Today, however, we celebrate All Saints! One could say the slabbed have some saints-in-the- making –  it really is a miracle a case ever gets to trial! For … Continue reading “…and the Saints go marching in Katrina litigation”

Moooving right along Slabbed Profiles Beef Plant Prosecution Aftermath: Cheryl Moultrie Speaks Out

After one of our Georgia based readers stopped in and left a comment earlier this week on my last Beef Plant post from December 2008 I openly wondered if my predictions concerning bad times ahead for convicted felon Robert Moultrie’s company, The Facility Group, had come to fruition. In response Nonya provided this answer: They are going broke, … Continue reading “Moooving right along Slabbed Profiles Beef Plant Prosecution Aftermath: Cheryl Moultrie Speaks Out”

A view from the trenches: Stunning disconnect at the National Underwriter

Let them eat cake -Marie Antoinette, who supposedly uttered the phrase during one of the famines that occurred in France during the reign of her husband Louis XVI. Human nature never changes, only the people change, the pockets change, the suckers and the manipulators change, the wars change, the disasters change, the technology changes – … Continue reading “A view from the trenches: Stunning disconnect at the National Underwriter”

Support for Rigsby qui tam found hanging on the Branch qui tam docket

Since claims brought under the FCA are not contract-based claims or dependent upon the degree of negligence involved, the claims are unimpaired by contractual limitations on liability. We missed it or did until today when I went to the Branch docket for an update and found a Statement of Interest in Opposition to Defendant State … Continue reading “Support for Rigsby qui tam found hanging on the Branch qui tam docket”

News from the Louisiana Class Action Front: Prominent Lawyer arrested and charged in drug conspiracy case

This case has a little something for everyone. (h/t Mr. NAAS) The Baton Rouge Advocate tells the story of the arrest of William Hugh Sibley on money laundering and drug conspiracy. Looking at the people he is allegedly hooked up with the implications are stunning. A Greensburg lawyer involved in several high-profile, class-action lawsuits has been … Continue reading “News from the Louisiana Class Action Front: Prominent Lawyer arrested and charged in drug conspiracy case”

SLABBED Daily – April 29 (Politz, O’Keefe, Rigsby, Minor)

Jumping right in to this sea of documents with the Reply to Nationwide’s Response filed by counsel for Mrs. Politz. Clearly, even Nationwide cannot present any authority to dispute Plaintiffs’ arguments that no corroborating medical testimony is required for Mrs. Politz to testify as to how Nationwide’s conduct made her feel. Nationwide instead seeks to … Continue reading “SLABBED Daily – April 29 (Politz, O’Keefe, Rigsby, Minor)”

A bit of housekeeping related to yesterday’s post on Dodd’$ connection$ to Countrywide’$ Angelo Mozilo

I understand there has been some questions raised on yesterday’s post as it related to my posting on Yahoo Finance Countrywide Message Board after Hurricane Katrina. After Mozilo’s house of cards there collapsed in late 2007 Bank of America bought Countrywide and like the old Dow Jones board (where I would stop in from time to time to … Continue reading “A bit of housekeeping related to yesterday’s post on Dodd’$ connection$ to Countrywide’$ Angelo Mozilo”

Jim Brown on David Vitter and a Brewing Fight Within the Louisiana GOP

Jim was kind enough to send us his weekly column on David Vitter and we’re very happy to run it. (Without a Youtube embellishment) 😉 – sop Thursday, January 29th, 2009 Washington, DC   COULD INDEPENDENT VOTERS BRING DOWN SENATOR DAVID VITTER?   An ongoing battle within the ranks of the Louisiana Republican Party may … Continue reading “Jim Brown on David Vitter and a Brewing Fight Within the Louisiana GOP”