Feeling blue that Aaron Broussard shook you down for money to build vacation hotels and lodges overseas?

Well folks all you gotta do is make one call thats all. I mention this because of an excellent column written last week by the T-P’s Stephanie Grace about all the Parish venders/contractors whose names have popped up in the ongoing federal investigation into Aaron Broussard’s shithouse business dealings. Slabbed of course has been on the … Continue reading “Feeling blue that Aaron Broussard shook you down for money to build vacation hotels and lodges overseas?”

And the word for the day is Heuristics. My point exactly.

This post is for the departed Nowdy, a true student of human behavior as I thought of her when I read this post by NMC on a book by author Daniel Kahneman’s, Thinking, Fast and Slow. Kahneman is a behavioral economist and it just so happens we’re littered with practical applications of the marriage of human psychology to … Continue reading “And the word for the day is Heuristics. My point exactly.”

The heck with doing contract accounting for Jefferson Parish, NOLA Traffic court is where they show the money……;-)

Folks, most partners at your average local CPA firm could work an entire year on one account and still not bill what Vandale Thomas billed to the NOLA traffic court at a mere $80/hour in 2010.  My $175/hour professional opinion is Vandale has lots of ‘splaining to do. All these revelations coming from the various NOLA courthouses surprise me not one bit … Continue reading “The heck with doing contract accounting for Jefferson Parish, NOLA Traffic court is where they show the money……;-)”

And the Wall Street Journal put two reporters on the story and still managed to butcher it. An Allstate Hurricane Katrina Fraud Update.

I recently met with a group of political strategists that noticed our little blog in Soggy Bottom and the information exchange was very enlightening for me.  I’m as interested in the mechanics of the story as the story itself and the tales I was told of how these folks manipulated the traditional media were very interesting.  More than … Continue reading “And the Wall Street Journal put two reporters on the story and still managed to butcher it. An Allstate Hurricane Katrina Fraud Update.”