Morgan Stanley CEO John Mack: Quintessential Crook in a Gucci Suit. Welcome to Slabbed

Alright folks you want to know the type of people that are benefiting from the rescue package? I’m going to profile one in current Morgan Stanley CEO John Mack. I don’t have much time to compose this post so I’ll be featuring the work of others on this subject. I hope some of the general public anger can … Continue reading “Morgan Stanley CEO John Mack: Quintessential Crook in a Gucci Suit. Welcome to Slabbed”

Thank goodness for the New Media……

Because large segments of the traditional media certainly seem to suck these days. I mention this because the UK House of Commons has passed judgment on News Corp’s Rupert Murdoch and the verdict is not good.  News Corp is the international parent of US-based Faux News, the news network for the faux conservatives also known … Continue reading “Thank goodness for the New Media……”

Rebranding the Democrats: Ditch Obama and get behind Elizabeth Warren.

Late last week Times Picayune pundit Stephanie Grace wrote a column on the call to rebrand the Louisiana democrats who are now on life support giving a local flavor to trend toward the southern states once again chipping in solely with one political party.  I thought of it when I saw the name Elizabeth Warren pop … Continue reading “Rebranding the Democrats: Ditch Obama and get behind Elizabeth Warren.”

Not long ago on Slabbed, Longshanks said the American people were in reality slaves…

And when you read the Rolling Stones article on Wall Street being completely above the law you’ll understand why you see names like Brooksley Born, Judge Jed Rakoff, AIG and crooked CEO John Mack in our archives. And sadly, I’ve concluded Longshanks is probably right, we are becoming economic slaves to financial interests and that the sheeple are too self-absorbed and ignorant to understand … Continue reading “Not long ago on Slabbed, Longshanks said the American people were in reality slaves…”

“Run-off” the cliff and into the ground. The sleazy (and continuing) story of multi-national insurer Kingsway Financial Services

As I spoke with my source on the telephone my jaw literally dropped—-between my day job as a CPA and passion as a hobbyist investor I thought I had seen the sleaziest of the sleazy in characters like Angelo Mozilo, John Mack, Ed Liddy, Hank Greenberg etc but those guys have nothing on the management team of … Continue reading ““Run-off” the cliff and into the ground. The sleazy (and continuing) story of multi-national insurer Kingsway Financial Services”

The End Result of Regulatory Capture: Madoff and Another Bailout

I’ve been too busy too keep up with the news but the spectacular implosion of the Madoff hedge fund caught my attention if only because it serves up another great example of regulators being asleep at the switch at the US Securities and Exchange Commission instead of protecting the investing public from fraudsters such as … Continue reading “The End Result of Regulatory Capture: Madoff and Another Bailout”