Dave Dennis on Insurance

“For the average person it is fundamentally not working…” said Dave Dennis, owner of Specialty Contractors and current board member on the New Orleans Federal Reserve on the insurance market in Mississippi, specifically the Gulf Coast. This issue is not about liberal or conservative, republican or democrat as all of us here on the coast … Continue reading “Dave Dennis on Insurance”

A few quick random thoughts

If there is one idea that I’ve tried to carry with me every day since Katrina it is the notion of the true extent of the transitory nature of our existence. Now this notion could indeed be viewed as a bummer because everything is destined to end the only question is when. My reaction is … Continue reading “A few quick random thoughts”

Hot Tuna: Lawn Mower Fumes Phil Bryant wants to move Miss America to the coast

Folks many years ago I worked as an official tabulator at one of the feeder contests to the Miss Mississippi pageant. Remembering I am a coastal Catholic type kinda of guy the pageant, held well north of the coast, was a cultural type of learning experience of the type that would serve me well in life’s … Continue reading “Hot Tuna: Lawn Mower Fumes Phil Bryant wants to move Miss America to the coast”

“Lawn Mower Fumes” Phil Bryant on the coast to announce for Gov.

He’s done absolutely nothing for the coastal insurance crisis in Mississippi as Lite Gov, professing faith in a mythical free market that does not exist. He denied the impacts of the oil spill on the coast to the bitter end while looking for every opportunity to genuflect before whatever BP exec happened to be around last … Continue reading ““Lawn Mower Fumes” Phil Bryant on the coast to announce for Gov.”

Some very interesting political news

Dave Dennis is the man who should be our current Senator IMHO. Passed over by the Gov last year to fill Trent Lott’s senate seat Dave owes no allegience to the current Mississippi GOP power structure. We’ve blogged about Dave a few times here on slabbed and while I do not know him personally I do know … Continue reading “Some very interesting political news”

Gene continues multiperil insurance rollout. Greg Harper proves to be a good neighbor.

(h/t Alan at Yall for the link). Yesterday, thanks to the C-L story on the topic of multiperil insurance we found Mississippi’s own Rep Greg Harper has signed on to Gene’s bill joining Travis Childers as co-sponsors of HR 1264.  Bennie Thompson has yet to sign on. Looking at the list of co sponsors at Gene’s congressional website we find a very diverse … Continue reading “Gene continues multiperil insurance rollout. Greg Harper proves to be a good neighbor.”

The State of Our Post Katrina Economy: Hurry Up and Wait

The Sun Herald held their quarterly business round table yesterday and had local business community movers and shakers share their take on the state of things here in South Mississippi. For those looking for relief from the double whammy of high fuel costs and it’s impacts on pricing at the gas pump and grocery store and the cost of insurance … Continue reading “The State of Our Post Katrina Economy: Hurry Up and Wait”