Exhibits D & E: “Prohibited Collateral Use”

Nova Scotia Civil Procedure Rules:

Collateral use

14.03 (1) Nothing in Part 5 diminishes the application of the implied undertaking not to use information disclosed or discovered in a proceeding for a purpose outside the proceeding, without the permission of a judge.

Exhibit D ~ Affidavit of Charles Leary dated June 13, 2011


Exhibit E from the action styled Abel v Handshoe & Vandenweghe

Abel v Handshoe et al Doc 12-7

It was during this exact time period in 2011 that Mr. Abel and Aaron Broussard were practicing law together out of suite 106 at the Super 8 Motel on Clearview Parkway.

Stay tuned.

5 thoughts on “Exhibits D & E: “Prohibited Collateral Use””

      1. Nova Scotia lawyers would get sanctioned for this sort of behaviour, as it goes against the Barristers’ Society’s Code of Professional Conduct (see: http://nsbs.org/sites/default/files/cms/menu-pdf/2013-04-22_codeofconduct.pdf).

        Notable as well, Dr. Leary seems not to have learned his lesson on affidavits after being chastised by Judge LeBlanc in 2008 during the ACOA proceedings. He got the content right this time, but the form is way off. Generally the pair are all over the place, but it’s pretty easy to follow the basic formal requirements for affidavits and other court filings (see: http://nslaw.nsbs.org/nslaw/forms.do).

        1. Leary has been signing briefs on behalf of others thus practicing law without a license at various times throughout his Nova Scotia defamation jihad. Worth noting is there are no provisions for Pro Se corporate entities in the US court system.

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