The Pressure is showing all ’round the edges

And when this baby blows it should be spectacular!

The only thing I could possibly add is that having a good set of books along with a well functioning back office is the end result of one thing and one thing only in making the commitment to make that happen. All the gyrations, smoke, mirrors and assorted bullshit is just that folks: gyrations, smoke, mirrors and bullshit.

The only downside to doing things right is that also ends all the subterfuge, which also explains the years of inaction.

4 thoughts on “The Pressure is showing all ’round the edges”

  1. Les is now trying to take over the council chambers! Bullying the Clerk of Council! He can’t help being a douche but he is earning the bag now! Trying to thwart info……..Bay Gate is now in full swing.

  2. I would advise any and all who find themselves getting bullied as this situation evolves, do ‘t take it personally.
    A snake is gonna hiss ehen he’s cornered. Just the nature of the beast.

  3. The Les Regime will try to take his perceived adversaries down! Transparency to him is like sun shine to Dracula……think about it…..they both have the same “suck the life out of it qualities! let’s watch it unfold. Him and His daughter will unhinge!

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