Inside the 24th JDC Election Finds Good Ol’ Boy Favoritism at D.A. Connick’s Office

We love sharing the muck we rake from our Jefferson Parish sources and this tidbit comes to us today from one of our favorite purveyors.

But first some lovely music……

To put it simply, we’ve never thought it particularly fair that the people who run for office and have the favor of DA Paul Connick get to take a leave of absence from their job at the District Attorney’s office, while people who don’t have the same permission are not granted leave and are obliged to resign.

Take the case of Division G at the 24th JDC in Gretna where there is an open seat due to the retirement of Judge Pitre, former Law Clerk Adrian Adams and (now former prosecutor) Angel Varnado have both publicly announced their intentions to run for the seat. The unfair part is that the DA doesn’t want anyone in the race against Adams, so despite Varnado being a very successful prosecutor, she runs without the favor of the DA and therefore has to resign.

I’ve always thought this to be unequitable circumstance how da’ DA get’s to play kingmaker to the Jefferson judicial system. Take the case of Barron Burmaster as covered by our friend Paul Purpura for

Burmaster has been on an unpaid leave of absence from his job as executive assistant district attorney, an administrative post. He said he will resign that job Friday, ending almost 23 years at the office, including work in Juvenile Court. District Attorney Paul Connick Jr., said Monday he has not selected Burmaster’s successor.

Slabbed understands that Assistant District Attorney David Wolfe who is the head of screening at the DA’s operation is mulling a run for the open seat at First Parish Court on David Drive in Metairie. Slabbed’s sources further share with us that the word on the mean streets of Gretna is that Wolfe will be allowed to take a leave of absence, similar to Burmaster.

Funny, the white men who are in the DA’s favor get a pass to come back to their jobs in the service of Uncle Paul’s fiefdom, yet an African-American woman who is running for Judge outside of the his approval gets to just resign and go it alone. It’s sad the power that a Louisiana DA wields, the results are on display over on the Northshore and playing out as we speak on Derbigny St. on the Westbank in Gretna.

5 thoughts on “Inside the 24th JDC Election Finds Good Ol’ Boy Favoritism at D.A. Connick’s Office”

  1. Thuggery is thuggery, skin pigmentation is irrelevant, it’s just Power, baby. You put your finger on it when you write “outside of the his approval gets to just resign and go it alone. ”

    I shed no tears when any protege of a local procurator general has a hard time seeking to don the black robes. The outrage is more that the booboisie tend to favor elevating members of the Staatsanwälte to the bench over other contenders.

  2. Scary part is that the ADA turned judges seem to know nothing about civil law or the rules of evidence.

  3. When you are a protégé of the Andrei Vyshinskys of the world, you need know no rules.

  4. I will not cry when I get to read of Paul Connick’s demise. He is only one of many of the Jefferson Parish low life forms that are not even so useful as putrefying bacteria (which remove stinky messes rather than create them). Institutionalized corruption!

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