Welp, the sharks are really circling Walter Reed now…..

He can’t say that he didn’t get some good advice as the sharks are circling and lynch mob gathering:

Feds investigating St. Tammany DA Walter Reed and his son, Steven Reed, subpoena reveals ~ Heather Nolan and Lee Zurik

St. Tammany district attorney target of FBI investigation ~ Mike Perlstein

Subpoena shows feds are scrutinizing Tammany DA Walter Reed ~ Sara Pagones

Reed is likely to find the exact quality of mercy he afforded to so many perpetrators in St Slammany. Something tells me he will not like the taste of his own medicine. Stay tuned.

3 thoughts on “Welp, the sharks are really circling Walter Reed now…..”

  1. “Reed also used campaign funds to throw a birthday party for his then girlfriend, according to Claire Bradley, who said the 2005 function at the Dakota was a private party.Bradley also told The New Orleans Advocate that she and her son were paid by Reed’s campaign for work they did not do in 2008 and 2011”

    Greedy Reedy with his Guinness World record $2.6 MILLION in campaign funds innocently just was helping blow out Claire’s candles but now she is bravely trying to blow out his.

    On the serious side, it sounds like the federal grand Jury already has two star witnesses but I would advise Ms. Bradley and son to avoid St. Charles Parish where star witnesses seem to die regularly of drug overdoses and to also get a rear mirror for their sun glasses while walking round’ Satanic Tammany Parish.

    1. Given a takedown of a district attorney is quite rare, still wondering who is behind this – as a cleaning of house, or as a coup d’etat?

      1. That’s an interesting question. I think the egregious nature of what has already been revealed make it possible that revelations along the lines of $90,000 in the freezer may be on the way. After Louisiana Purchased someone with a motive or perhaps just knowledge might have dropped a dime on Reed. This is the type of thing that can make prosecutorial careers.

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