My spidey senses tell me the resurrection of Diaper Dave…..

Is rooted firmly in the local sewer. A clue lies in the players displayed on the stage:

  • The candidates in Vitter and Dardenne.
  • The forum in the Loyola law school and the sponsor in the Alliance for Good Government. As luck would have it I have some background coming on the Jefferson Parish Alliance.

If it smells like dead hot tuna and it involves the endorsement industrial complex, this must mean an election in Louisiana is close at hand. The stage players are for show, its the people pulling the strings where my interest lies:

David Vitter responds to question about prostitution scandal ~ Julia O’Donoghue

Todd Price asks a darn good question in comments.

5 thoughts on “My spidey senses tell me the resurrection of Diaper Dave…..”

  1. Don’t recall the Alliance for Good Government barring cameras in the past from election forums but maybe a current member on the Executive Committee can enlightened us.

    An NBC reporter in Virginia got fired after he recently questioned Vitter in Wash.D.C. in presence of Wendy bout his brothel scandal so it reflects there’s a lot of Wash.D.C. political powers ( probably Demos) wanting to terminate Dave permanently just in case Half-Moon wants to run for his sister’s old Senate seat.

    Then locally, we have to Strain our imaginations to think that the present Sheriff of Satanic Tammany Parish for 20 years along with his attorney Hughes didn’t play political ball with the D.A.’s Office and run the ball down the throats of citizens to achieve their mutually desired goals. Methinks its time to elect a new Sheriff to break up this little tag team so the D.A., Sheriff and Judiciary are all a little less married together, as in All In The Family.

  2. Did you hear Newell Norman’s comments on Eric Asher’s radio show on WGSO 990 AM? To paraphrase- From the feedback that he is receiving from citizens Vitter may have squared up with his wife and his God but he has not squared up with the citizens of the State of Louisiana. Like his boss before him, Sheriff Norman does not seem to have any warm fuzzies for Diaper Daveand that could be a big problem on the trail to the Governor’s mansion.

    1. Newell is a big Chris Roberts supporter on the other hand to the tune of $1,000/couple. I’m surprised the fundraiser did not make the NOLA media.

  3. If you want to find out who is going to win in “Hinterlands” all you do is like at campaign contributions filing. If you know the right names you will note that Vitter has influence locked up in many parts of the state. The same folks who back the incumbent local sheriff.

    1. I wonder if the folks that own these politicians enjoy watching them beat up on each other like Calvin Candle did with his slaves in Django Unchained?

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