Baa, Baa, Black Sheep…….

Broussard parody after guilty plea deal was struck| New Orleans Levee | October 2012
Broussard parody after guilty plea deal was struck| New Orleans Levee | October 2012

Oh the horrors!

Aaron Broussard wants sentence cut citing bathroom cleaning, other prison hardships ~ Paul Purpura

And the time spent in the Hotlanta Pen was evidently hell. But….

I was there when Aaron Broussard was sentenced and had to deal with the aftermath. By aftermath I mean the disappointment felt by the public on the relatively short sentence Broussard received. As for his sentencing, I heard the man take responsibility for the crimes to which he pleaded in unequivocal terms first hand. 46 months was not a bad outcome given the life of crime Broussard led. And now he wants outs early, before he gets the full Bureau of Prison experience.

Fact of the matter is time flies by and Broussard only has 14 months left to serve. That said once he hits the ol’ half-way house he’ll be scrubbing terlits like mad and maybe that’s what he trying to avoid. Who knows? In any event he’s not getting much love in reader comments to Paul’s story. Here is a sampling:

Wait! Aaron had to clean floors??? By himself? Well at least they weren’t flooded lke mine were after Katrina. Darn pumping stations.

Now I have to ask, just what kind of work is he qualified to do on the outside that does not require a professional license that lists moral turpitude as a disqualifier? Maybe if more of the politicos did time in the same conditions there would be less incentive to steal from the public

If he’s really in so much debt, how’s he able to afford a high priced lawyer like Buddy Leman?
Makes you wonder where all that money is coming from.

This guy is a piece of work! Cry, Cry, Cry is all he knows how to do. Aaron, you are pathetic.. You are getting exactly what you deserve. Try for once in your life to take it like a man.

Sounds like his day is easier than mine!

Jim Brown: Miss USA Trumped by Immigrant Debate!

Thursday, July 9th, 2015
Baton Rouge, Louisiana


Donald Trump sure has things stirred up right now down here in the Bayou State. International television attention was supposed to highlight Baton Rouge and the whole state of Louisiana. But coverage of the Miss USA pageant has turned more on “The Donald” and his incinerating remarks about illegal immigrants, as his rives up his presidential bid.

Trump will certainly be talking about his immigration proposals in the days he is spending in the capitol city. The joke going around the state capitol is that, despite all the controversy, Trump will at least spend more time here than Gov. Bobby Jindal, who continues to criss-cross the country in his quixotic effort to make a dent in national presidential polls.

Where Jindal’s focus has been aimed at Muslims around the world, Trump has made no bones about his feelings towards those who migrate across the U.S. southern border. Who hasn’t heard his declaration:

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. … They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems to us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

Trump’s competitors for the GOP nomination immediately pounced on his remarks. “He’s doing this to inflame, to incite and to draw attention,” said Jeb Bush. “Really offensive,” carped ex Texas Gov. Rick Perry. ”Offensive, inaccurate and divisive,” said Florida’s Sen. March Rubio. Who could have imagined? A Republican candidate taking about “divisive” politics.

A number of Republican Party leaders are expressing concern that Trump’s comments undermine outreach efforts and are hurting the GOP brand. Hurting the brand? What brand? Republicans need to clean house and plug in to the concerns of the average American, particularly when it comes to immigration reform. The GOP brand doesn’t just need an upgrade. What it needs is for Bobby Jindal to come perform an exorcism! Continue Reading……….