A sure sign Jackson County Supervisor John McKay is feeling the heat

He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city. ~ Proverbs 16:32

Jackson County supervisor, protester exchange words ~ Karen Nelson

She said he started out smiling, but got angrier as he talked to her and the others. He became insulting, she said, and said they “just don’t get it,” pointing to his head.

That’s kinda how McKay reacted to his taxpayer funded DMR cruise using Bill Walker’s private yacht fleet when that broke in the media. Funny how that works. Meantime keep treating the retirees like children that owe you something Mr. McKay so we can find out if such is a winning re-election strategy.

Louisiana legal four pack: It is good to feel loved

Let’s start next door in St Slammany Parish:

Former St. Tammany DA Walter Reed indicted on multiple counts of wire, mail fraud, money laundering, filing false statements to IRS ~ Sara Pagones

Considering Reed’s history as ST Slammany DA the following is rich!

Steven Reed’s lawyer: Feds abusing discretion by including son in indictment of former DA ~ Gordon Russell

Slabbed has done nothing on the above except highlight the show. Gordon Russell and Lee Zurik get the props for bring the story home. Next up for Reed and his son is the hangin’.

Moving right along is a two pack Slabbed New Media was right in the thick of in the prosecution of former Parish Prez Aaron Broussard of the Goatherder Crime Family and the mental meltdown of former Assistant US Attorney Sal Perricone:

Writers’ block would be a mercy for former federal prosecutor Sal Perricone ~ James Gill

James’ column represents sweet serendipity because just yesterday, somewhere around 12:30, I had a fantasy concerning Continue reading “Louisiana legal four pack: It is good to feel loved”