Comment bump | Tidelandgate: Never a dull moment here in the Bay

Slabbed can add confirmation of Desdemona’s comment (edited):

Little fun fact for those interested… Good ole Rep Eure is REALLY good friends (like county club good friends) with the famous Miller Time. If my memory serves me correctly, I believe there was some kind of spat (not sure of the details) between Baria and a few employees of Marine Resources some time back (i could be wrong, yet it could have been a rumor) Eure being on the Appropriations Committee controlling money that is managed by Marine Resources… Coincidence? I think not. So, whatever shall we do with the remaining money boys? Same game, different players my friends…

In summary:

  • Rep. Eure is REALLY good friends with Jamie Miller, who is also very good friends with Joe Cloyd.
  • There was a confrontation between Rep Baria and DMR staffers
  • Rep Eure controls the house purse strings over DMR Tideland funding.
  • Rep Baria is currently on the bench in the State House as it is controlled by the GOP
  • Rep Baria and Bay Waveland School Superintendent Rebecca Ladner politicized the local public school district back in January with Ladner’s participation in the Democrat response to Gov Phil’s State of the State address, an action that continues to generate local criticism all these months later.
  • The City of Bay St Louis track record of financial mismanagement under the Fillingame Administration speaks for itself.
  • The Fillingame Administration removed the Harbor wave break from the State Funded Harbor design plans.  The pavilion at the Harbor where the bands play is super nice though.
  • BWSD Superintendent Ladner was recently rewarded for her actions with a new three year contract.

If this sounds like a FUBAR type situation to you, then we’re all on the same page.  And of course the people that suffer from the partisanship are the people that live here but that’s normally how it works.

In other news, Rep Baria’s replacement in the State Senate, Phillip Moran, the guy that Rep Baria tried putting under the bus in the early news coverage of Tidelandgate [Seacoast Echo story here] is on Tuesday’s City Council agenda:

BSL Council Agenda 4-21-15In other news I’m sensing the stench of fiscal irresponsibility emanating from the Mayor’s office as there are whispers circulating throughout the community:

  • Mayor Fillingame still has not come completely clean about the amount of money the City can expect in Tideland funds.
  • That the $13 surcharge on your water bill that was designated strictly for debt service has been co-mingled into the Enterprise Find and expended, leaving the Debt Service fund short for paying the upcoming refunding bonds, that were issued at great expense to the city because it could not make the bond payment in July 2014.
  • There is a trial balloon being floated by the Fillingame Administration to putting on a 5 mil tax levy to pay the bonds to go with the utility surcharge that has evidently been co-mingled and misspent.
  • State Auditor Stacey Pickering is as worthless as a teat on a boar hog.

Stay tuned.

12 thoughts on “Comment bump | Tidelandgate: Never a dull moment here in the Bay”

  1. Here we go. The same names involved with yet another alleged act of government misspending or questionable behavior. Brought to you by the Mississippi Radical Republican Regime of Socialist-Communists.

    They really need to change their name from Republican to Government Program Communists. That includes Phil Bryant and his buddies who ride in his back pocket—joe Cloyd and The Children of Frontier.

    I am not surprised that Jamie Millers name is associated with this post.

    1. Maybe I misread, but I didn’t see a specific “party” that was excluded from the corruption that has plagued our city. In our case, the current thieves are all “D’s,” yet comments seem to start immediately “R-bashing?” If we are going to fix the problem, it has to be done person-by-person here locally; without trying to group them into a certain party, click or whatever group you want to use. Start with ONE, no matter who, and make an example-repeat-repeat-repeat…….until things start to turn around for us. I agree with the facts you have posted above, but I would like to see personal responsibility and accountability rather than playing the never-ending blame game between parties that never accomplishes anything except keeping voters concentrating on hating each other rather than what the actual issue at hand is. D or R, if your corrupt, non-performing, unqualified or even tell a lie……it’s time to be replaced and give someone else a shot! I’d rather see us swap mayors and city officials every year than continue putting up with what we have!

      1. Jay,

        Please make sure you don’t misread this.

        I am not sure what city you live in but let me take a moment to enlighten you of how the Radical Republican Regime of Socialists have control of our area and our state:

        1) First and foremost, we basically live in a One-Party-State which is determined to keep a lid on the way of life for the social and political elite. This has been going on for a long, long, long time.

        2) The DMR corruption scandal: The big dogs were heavily involved with Republican Politics in Mississippi–The Walker and the Herbert families. The state will receive a blessing when Old woman Hebert finally dies off as she could be considered as one of the roots of the regime.

        3) Stacey Pickering was held in contempt of court and was in charge of the DMR investigation which was highly questionable in the way it was conducted. He also attended a political fund raiser at the “The Children of Frontiers” headquarters located on East Beach.

        4) Leonard Bentz assumed a high level government position with highly questionable experience and credentials.

        5) Ashley Edwards assumed a high level government position with little or no credentials that applied to the position.

        6) John McKay is still floundering even though it is quite evident that he was in bed with the Walker clan and may have helped fuck the SRHS employees out of retirement.

        7) Frontier Strategies/Frontier Gulfcoast are heavy supporters of Republicans. They often bag numerous state contracts and do political campaign work for our current shit-bag governor. They just so happened to have landed a communications contract with the DMR shortly after jamie miller was selected as the DMR director and realistically didn’t produce shit for 50K.

        8) Jamie Miller was selected as the DMR director with questionable credentials other than being plugged in the the governor and has been involved with questionable hiring practices and employee firings since being there.

        9) Bryce Wiggins was on board with the DMR fishing trips and his old man received funding to go on a wild cannon chase. I find it funny how he is now on the forefront of government accountability and has yet to fully acknowledge both of these actions.

        This is Republican Socialism at its best and it only applies to the white republican social elite.

  2. This cup of coffee sure hits the spot this morning!! Skies are blue and a light breeze on the porch this morning makes it a perfect beginning of a beautiful day!
    Now, down to serious business -You are so right Eye. The only “new” name that I see added to the mix is Rep. Eure. I wondered who was responsible for putting Mr. Miller in the cush political position without credentials or sufficient experience. Unfortunately, this only enforces all of the information that has come forth thus far concerning the milking of the taxpayer resources by this radical regime. This means that even more of our ELECTED officials are tied in with this arrogant group imo. I am surprised to hear that Mr. Eure is truly involved. I had high hope for he and Rep. Wiggins. What is wrong with their thought process?? What example are they setting for their children and our children? Do they even care?
    We will all know when election time gets here, whether the people of this district are willing to put up with this type of actions by their elected officials. It is really sad that these men are unwilling to do what they were elected to do – which is the will of the people – NOT the will of a wealthy arrogant undeserving few.

    1. Forgive me charlene, i saw the name “wiggins” and immediately thought of rena wiggins. You were referring to rep wiggins. The one who took free trips on the foundation boats…. How he managed to weasel his way out of that one?

  3. Charlene, he is very involved and has been. He was Bentz’s shadow for quiet sometime. I find it very convenient that he is on the approrations committee now. Go back through pictures that have Miller and anything involving legislatiors in them and look closely… One will find Eure in them 90% of the time.

    As far as ms wiggins…i have heard nice things about her however, she has worked for Swetman entirely too long for me to trust her to do the right thing. I fear she would be persuaded by the regime…

    It is a damn shame after all the corruption surrounding Marine Resources and various other agencies the citizens do not do their homework before they vote. Its beginning to just look like a high school popularity contest. Unfortunately its the taxpayers that will pay for it…

  4. Ms Desdemona, I am confused about this Wiggins lady? Is she married to Sen Wiggins? How is she tied into this piece of the puzzle??? I had high hopes for Rep. Eure and Sen Wiggins in the beginning. But it is my opinion now, that the “regime” has corrupted them too. Bentz’s big head started with Commissioner Bill Deviney (of the MS Dept. of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks). And also, in my opinion, since Mr. Deviney has deep, deep pockets (compliments of his deceased father – who was a wonderful person), he doles out tidbits in all directions to try to control the Coast along with Fat@ss, Billy the Kid and his merry group of midgets, and Puhl-@ss-o. I am also convinced that we are pretty much under martial law on the Coast, due to this bunch of misfits. Only Federals interceding on the Taxpayers’ behalf will put an end to this. My opinion is that we are being ruled in this State by those elite, egotistical, arrogant, bigots with access to our Taxpayer dollars to spend as they wish. Our elected Representatives and Senators and elected Jackson officials all play a part in our demise imo. They enable the legislation to be written that allows these thugs to do as they please and the lobbyists are on the bus helping it along too. I guess it will take even more deaths down here before someone pays attention.

    1. Ms wiggins is not married to the senator. She is running for justice court judge. She is also Swetmans right hand wo-man. And also harrison county scho board president. Nice lady. I dont trust her. Charlene, i agree with everything you say. I think they were corrupted quite some time ago though. It is just now coming to light. I saw the daily workings of corruption at that dreded bolton building. I had to get out while the getting was good. Too much crap there. With that being said, a source on the inside tells me that Rep Eure likes to boat and drink. Apparently officers have had to secretly assist him on more that one occasion… Hows that for fair?

      I do believe we are on the same team… There should be more people who arent afraid to tell it like it is and get the truth out there for the public to know.

      1. When is anyone going to investigate the Kemper County debaucle? Leonard Bentz, Lynn Posey and the northern Public Service Commissioner need to be called to task while it was on their watch. More “regime” members.
        When is the port going to be looked into? Senator Gollott ramrodded this while Cotton Fore’s trucks ran in and out at $$$$ a load. Where are the promised jobs???? More money shot to the wind. Where are the investigators?
        Why hasn’t the Marine Resources Commission been disbanded and/or replaced? Why haven’t all of the people who were involved with the Walker scandal been replaced? Why are they still there?
        Why is Casie Eure and partners buying foreclosed properties and then selling them back to Harrison county and making profits? Isn’t he a member on the Marine Resources commission or something like that?
        More importantly, the money sent down here from BP to repair the resources/fishermen is going where?? It should go to the fishermen, NOT “research on oysters” where it can be stuck in grubby pockets. Robert Hunt tried that fiasco trying to raise oysters on Cat Island and lots of money passed hands back then in my opinion. To the elected officials. I am hearing that they plan to funnel money to a fish hatchery here on the coast and set up the same type “replenishment” program with Robert Hunt’s wife. So, be aware and vigilent people. Our state buildings and properties belong to us – the people. You have the RIGHT to watch and see what they are doing with the fishermens’ money. It is time that the State start treating our fishermen like they deserve to be treated and put their money back in the seafood.

  5. When is anyone going to investigate the Kemper County debaucle? Leonard Bentz, Lynn Posey and the northern Public Service Commissioner need to be called to task while it was on their watch. More “regime” members.
    When is the port going to be looked into? Senator Gollott ramrodded this while Cotton Fore’s trucks ran in and out at $$$$ a load. Where are the promised jobs???? More money shot to the wind. Where are the investigators?
    Why hasn’t the Marine Resources Commission been disbanded and/or replaced? Why haven’t all of the people who were involved with the Walker scandal been replaced? Why are they still there?
    Why is Casie Eure and partners buying foreclosed properties and then selling them back to Harrison county and making profits? Isn’t he a member on the Marine Resources commission or something like that?
    More importantly, the money sent down here from BP to repair the resources/fishermen is going where?? It should go to the fishermen, NOT “research on oysters” where it can be stuck in grubby pockets. Robert Hunt tried that fiasco trying to raise oysters on Cat Island and lots of money passed hands back then in my opinion. To the elected officials. I am hearing that they plan to funnel money to a fish hatchery here on the coast and set up the same type “replenishment” program with Robert Hunt’s wife. So, be aware and vigilent people. Our state buildings and properties belong to us – the people. You have the RIGHT to watch and see what they are doing with the fishermens’ money. It is time that the State start treating our fishermen like they deserve to be treated and put their money back in the seafood.

  6. Doug – I hear you were received a clue. Is this true? Why not share. Or do you need another?

    1. I have not been to my office in a week or so if something has been sent recently.

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